ANSI/AAMI ID54-1996 pdf download

ANSI/AAMI ID54-1996 pdf download.Enteral feeding set connectors and adapters.
3.2 compatible: Allowing a functional connection.
3.3 connector: An integral component of the enteral feeding set that joins the set to the enteral access device.
3.4 enteral feeding: Nutrition support for patients using liquids as a substitute for solid food that involves delivery of nutrient liquids into the alimentary tract (stomach, duodenum, or jejunum) using specialized tubesincluding but not limited to nasoenteral, gastrostomy, jejunostomy, or oesophagostomy tubes. Feeding is administered by an enteral pump or gravity.
NOTE-The word "entera" specificallyl excludes delivery of liquids into an artery or vein.
3.5 parenteral administration: Delivery of a speialized fluid or medicine speifcally and only into a vein or artery; sometimes rferred to as“IV" or "intravenous" delivery.
3.6 set: A system that consists of tubing and other components through which fluids are delivered to either an enteral or parenteral access device.
4 Requirements
4.1 Elimination of adapters
Adapters that are provided with, or for use with, enteral feeding sets shall not allow the direct or functional connection of an enteral feeding set to a rigid female luer conncctor. Examples of connections that shall not be possible by use of an adapter include but are not limited to the fllowing:
a) enteral feeding set to a parenteral administration set;
b) enteral feeding set to an indwelling intravenous catheter or port;
c) enteral feeding set to an epidural catheter;
d) enteral feeding set to blloon inflation ports.
4.2 Enteral feeding set connectors
Enteral feeding set connectors shall not be compatible with rigid female luer conectors that meet ANSIHIMA
MD 70.1- -1983, ISO 594/1, and/or ISO 594/2.
5 Tests
Compliance with4.1 and4.2 can be verified by ispction.
Annex A
Rationale for the development and provisions of this standard
The purpose of enteral adapters is to provide a means to conneet enteral feeding sets to enteral access devices
(e.g.. jejunostomy tubes), which are constructed with rigid luer taper connectors that meet the American National Standard (now withdrawn), Luer taper fitings and performance (ANSIHIMA MD 70.1-1983);
Intemational Standard Conical ftings wih a 6 percent (luer) laper for syringes, needles and cerlain other medical equipment- Part One: General requirements (ISO 594/1) and/or Intemnational Standard Conical fitings with a 6 percent (luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment- Part Two: Lock ftings (ISO 594/2).
Some enteral access devices are constructed with rigid luer taper connectors, and one unintended consequence of these adapters is that they provide a link between two unrelated systems, i.e., enteral to intravenous (IV).ANSI/AAMI ID54 pdf download.



