ANSI/AAMI/ISO 15225-2016 pdf download

ANSI/AAMI/ISO 15225-2016 pdf download.Medical devices - Quality management - Medical device nomenclature data structure.
4.2 Term
4.2.1 Description
A term describes a generic device group of medical devices, i.e. a set of devices having the same or similar intended use(s) and commonality of technology. Sets of devices are grouped together (as a generic device group) for the purpose of device vigilance reporting, or other purposes where sets of essentially similar devices from different sources need to be collected. Potentially, any device atribute (e.g. implantnon-implant, sterile/non-terile) can be used as a means of arranging associated data. A term is the only method used for product identification.
A term shall be unambiguous and unique and comprise the fllowing elements:
4.2.2 Term name
The term name shall be a short unique descriptor which unambiguously describes the device group. It shall be in the form of a single or compound noun, possibly with familiar adjectives, that is as close to natural language as is practically possible. One or more qualfers considered to be important distinguishing features, e.g. singleuse/reusable, sterile/non-sterile, can be added and preceded by a comma.
General-purpose surgical drape, single-use, sterile.
Ambiguous phrases such as "sundries",‘others", "appliances", "miscellaneous" and "various' should not be used.
Trade names shall not be used in term names.
4.2.3 Term definition
Terms shall be assigned a definition of not more than 700 characters in the English Language version which defines the scope of the term name, i.e. the devices that are included in the generic device group. It should include statements about the intended clinical application, the technology used and important atributes. Definitions shall be worded in such a way that users will understand and be familiar with the content, so that it is clear whether a particular device type is covered by the term.
4.2.4Term code
A five character numeric code shall be assigned systematically to each term, to be used as the digital identifer. The identifier will be unique and be attached to the same entity for the full life cycle of the term.
4.2.5Links to relevant collective term(s) (see 4.3)
Within the database, relationships shall be established between the term and all the collective terms that are relevant, and that can be used to group devices at a higher level than the term. The relationship between terms and collective terms may necessarily be many-to-many. See 4.3.
4.2.6 Links to synonym(s)
See 4.5.ANSI/AAMI/ISO 15225 pdf download.



