ASTM A182/A182M-21 pdf free download

ASTM A182/A182M-21 pdf free download.Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service.
1. 1 This specilleation covers forged low alloy and stainless steel piping components for use in pressure syslems. Included arc flanges. fittings.valves. and similar parts to specified dimensions or to dimensional standards, such as the ASNIE specifications that are referenced in Section 2.
1.2 For bars and products machined directly from bar or hollow bar (other than those directly addressed by this speci— fication: see 6.4. refer to SpecilicaLions A479/A4791I. A739. or A511/A511M for the similar rades available in those specificationS.
1.3 Products made to this specification are limited to a maximum weight of 10000 lb [4540 kg]. For larger products and products for other applications, refer to Specifications A336/A336M and A%5/A965M for the similar ferrule and ausenitic trades. respectively. available to those specificationS.
1.4 Several grades of low alloy steels and ierritic. martensitic. austenitic, and ferritic—ausienitic stainless steels are included in this specitication. Selection will depend upon desi2n and service requirements. Several of the ferritic/ austenitic duplex ) grades are also found in Specification A 1049/A 1049M.
1.5 Supplementary requirements are provided for use when additional testing or inspection is desired. These shall apply only when sPecified individually by the purchaser in the order.
1 .6 This specification is expressed in both inch—pound units and in SI units.
4. Ordering Information
4. 1 It is the purchasers responsibility w specify in the purchase order information necessar to purchase the needed malerial. In addition to the orderimz information guidelines in Spccihcation A961/A961M. orders should include the following information:
4.1.1 Additional requirements see 7.2.1. Table 2 footnotes.9.3. and 19.2). and
4. 1 .2 Requirement. if any. that manufacturer shall submit drawings for approval showing the shape of the rough forging before machining and the exact location of test specimen material (see 9.3.1).
5. General Requirements
6. Manufacture
6.1 The low—alloy ferriic steels shall he made by the open-hearth. electric-furnace, or basic-oxygen jwocess with the option of separate degassing arid reIning processes in each case.
6.2 The stainless steels shall he incited b one of the fo1iowm processes: (a) electric—lurnace (with the option of separate degassing and refining processes): (b) vacuum- furnace; or (c) one of the former followed by acuum or electroslag-consumahle remelting. Grade F X M-27Cb may he produced by electron—beam belting.
6.4 The maerial shall he forged as close as practicable to the specified shape and size.
6.4. 1 Flanges of any type, elbows, return bends. tees. and header tees shall 1101 be machined directly from bar stock.
6.4.2 Cylindrically-shaped parts may be machined from hollow bar or forged or rolled solution—annealed austenitic stainless steel bar without additional hot working.
6.4.3 Cylindrically—shaped low alloy. inartensitic stainless. territic stainless, and t’erritic-austeiiitic stainless steel parts, NPS—4 [DN 100] and under. may he machined from Iiollm bar or forged or rolled har. without additional hot working.ASTM A182/A182M pdf download.



