ASTM D3628-15 (R2021) pdf free download

ASTM D3628-15 (R2021) pdf free download.Standard Practice for Selection and Use of Emulsified Asphalts.
1.1This practice covers the selection of emulsified asphalts for various paving and allied uses.
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of’ measurement are included in this standard.
3.2.2 asphalt-aggregate mixtures—a combination of emulsified asphalt and aggregate that is physically mixed by mechanical means, spread on the job site, and compacted.
3.2.3 asphalt applications—the application of sprayed emulsified asphalt not involving the use of aggregates.
3.2.4 graded aggregate seal, n—a single surface treatment in which the aggregate is graded with little or no mineral tiller, typically with a nominal maximum size of about 19 mm, and containing sufficient sand that the emulsified asphalt will be required to penetrate upward into the aggregate cover: the nominal maximum aggregate size may vary depending on the course thickness desired and aggregate availability. It is an application method used in lieu of a chip seal to provide a lower cost road. Discussion—In this case, nominal maximum size refers to the definition in Terminology D8.
3.2.5 multiple surface treatment—two or more single surface treatments placed one on the other. The maximum aggregate size of each successive treatment is usually one half that of the previous one, and the total thickness is about the same as the nominal maximum size aggregate particles of the first course.
3.2.6 palelnent bases and surfaces—the lower or underlying pavement course atop the subbase or suhgrade and the top or wearing course. Cold-laid mixtures that are hound together with emulsified asphalts use either open or dense aggregate gradations.
3.2.7 sand—a mineral aggregate material consisting of particles of rock passing a 4.75-mm sieve and only about 5 % passing the 75-um sieve.
3.2.8 sand seal—a bituminous-sand application to an existing pavement surface to seal the surface and to function as a light-wearing course.
3.2.9 sandy soil—a material consisting essentially of tine aggregate particles smaller than 2.00-mm sieve and usually containing material passing a 75-um sieve. This material usually exhibits plasticity characteristics.
3.2.10 single-surface reatmeiit (chip seal)—a wearing surface of emulsified asphalt and aggregate in which the aggregate is placed uniformly over the applied emulsified asphalt in a single layer, the thickness of which approximates the nominal maximum size of the aggregate used.ASTM D3628 pdf download.



