ASTM D412-16e1 pdf frree download

ASTM D412-16e1 pdf frree download.Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers-Tension.
1 .1 These test methods cover procedures used to evaluate the tensile (tension) properties of vulcanized thermoset rubbers and thermoplastic elastomers. These methods are not applicable to ebonite and similar hard, low elongation materials. The methods appear as follows:
Nom 1—These two different methods do not pr(xluce identical results.
1 .2 The values stated in either SI or non-SI units shall be regarded separately as normative for this standard. The values in each system may not he exact equivalents: therefore each system must he used independently, without combining values.
1 .3 This standard does 1101 purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use.
1.4 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationallv recognized principles on standardi ation established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Oianizatioiz Technical Barriers to Trade Committee.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D1349 Practice for Rubber—Standard Conditions for Testing
3. Terminology
3. 1 Definitions:
3.1.1 tensile set—the extension remaining after a specimen has been stretched and allowed to retract in a specified manner, expressed as a percentage of the original length. (D1566)
3.1.2 tensile set-after-break—the tensile set measured by tilting the two broken dumbbell pieces together at the point of rupture.
3. 1.3 tensile strength—the maximum tensile stress applied in stretching a specimen to rupture. (D1566)
3.1.4 tensile stress—a stress applied to stretch a test piece (specimen). (D1566)
3. 1 .5 tensile stress at—given-elongarion—the stress required to stretch the uniform cross section of a test specimen to a given elongation. (D1566)
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 The determination of tensile properties starts with test pieces taken from the sample material and includes the preparation of the specimens and the testing of the specimens. Specimens may be in the shape of dumbbells, rings or straight pieces of uniform cross-sectional area.
4.2 Measurements for tensile stress, tensile stress at a given elongation, tensile strength. yield point, and ultimate elongation are made on specimens that have not been prestressed. Tensile stress, yield point, and tensile strength are ha.sed on the original cross-sectional area of a uniform cross-section of the specimen.
4.3 Measurement of tensile set is made after a previously unstressed specimen has been extended and allowed to retract by a prescribed procedure. Measurement of “set after break” is also described.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 All materials and products covered by these test methods must withstand tensile forces for adequate performance in certain applications. These test methods allow for the measurement of such tensile properties. However, tensile properties alone may not directly relate to the total end use performance of the product because of the wide range of potential performance requirements in actual use.
5.2 Tensile properties depend both on the material and the conditions of test (extension rate. temperature. humidity, specimen geometry, pretest conditioning, etc.); therefore materials should be compared only when tested under the same conditions.ASTM D412 pdf download.



