ASTM D4286-08 (R2021) pdf free download

ASTM D4286-08 (R2021) pdf free download.Standard Practice for Determining Coating Contractor Qualifications for Nuclear Powered Electric Generation Facilities.
1.1 This practice provides a criteria guide and procedural method to assist utility owners, architects, engineers, constructors, and other selection agencies in determining the overall qualifications of a coating contractor to execute coating work for the primary containment and other safety-related facilities of light-water nuclear power plants.
1.2 The qualification criteria and requirements address the essential basic capability of a contractor to execute nuclear coating work. Obviously, the specific capability to execute those requirements unique to a given project must also be carefully considered. The evaluation procedure contained in this practice is designed to be adaptive to this detailed final qualification process. Variation or simplification of the practice is appropriate for non safety-related areas of nuclear power plants, fossil fueled facilities, and other industrial projects.
1.3 The overall capability of a contractor to successfully execute the varied and complex requirements of nuclear coating work is dependent upon competency in a variety of essential categories.
1.4 The nine evaluation categories described in Sections 3 — 12 detail the specific data to he provided by the contractor as essential to determining qualification status. In addition, a tenth untitled category has been provided on the evaluation work described in Section 12 for inclusion of other inthrmation pertinent to a specific project.
4. Contractor Work Experience
4.1 General Experience—List of comparable industrial projects, including type (construction or maintenance), form of contract, dollar volume, scope. and duration (start and completion dates) executed during the past five years. Accompanying this listing provide personnel references to include names, titles, locations, and telephone numbers.
4.2 Nuclear Coating Work Experience:
4.2.1 List of nuclear projects including type (construction or maintenance), form of contract, dollar volume, scope. and duration, materials, and equipment involved. Accompanying this listing provide personnel references to include names, titles, locations, and telephone numbers.
4.2.2 If the contractor has executed work comparable to the specific evaluation project, submit complete case histories of scope and functions performed to include personnel references for each case.
5. Equipment
5.1 List contractor-owned equipment in the categories listed in 5.1.1 — 5.1.9. Indicate those items required for the specific evaluation project.
5.1.1 Vehicles.
5.1.2 Surface preparation, all types.
5.1.3 Abrasive control and recovery.
5.1.4 Coatings mixing and application, all types.
5.1.5 Environmental control and curing.
5.1.6 Rigging and enclosure.
5.1.7 Safety.
5.1.8 Quality control testing instrumentation.
5.1.9 Specialized equipment.
5. 1 .9.1 Unique equipment required ftr the specific project. if applicable. Contractor to indicate and provide examples of capability to design and install highly specialized items of equipment. enclosure systems. devices, etc. which have been utilized Ofl previous nuclear coating projects.
5. 1. 10 Equipment Repair and Replacement Ca pabilitv— Contractor to describe standard procedure followed in the event of equipment failure to prevent lost time situations.
6. Quality Assurance
6. 1 Quality Assurance Program—The contractor shall submit one copy of his quality assurance program that shall conform to 10 CFR 50 Appendix B. ANSI N45.2.6. Guide D4537, Practice D3843, and other applicable documents. The program shall include implementation procedures and sample forms.ASTM D4286 pdf download.



