ASTM D4537-12 (R2018) pdf free download

ASTM D4537-12 (R2018) pdf free download.Standard Guide for Establishing Procedures to Qualify and Certify Personnel Performing Coating and Lining Work Inspection in Nuclear Facilities.
1.1 This guide delineates the requirements for development of proccdures for the qualification and certification of personnel who perform inspection of coating and lining work. Establishment of qualification requirements to verify conformance to specified requirements for nuclear facility coating and lining work is necessary to assure satisfactory performance of the inspections and to avoid compromising safety-related coaling systems.
1 .2 The intent of this guide is to provide a uniform interpretation of the requirements in ANSI/ASME N45.2.6 or ANSI/ASME NQA-I as applicable. for the inspection of coating and lining work in nuclear facilities.
1.3 It is the intent of this guide to provide a recommended basis for qualification and certification, not to mandate a singular basis for all qualifications. Variations or simplificaLions of the qualifications described in this guide may be appropnate for special coating and lining work other than safety-related coating and lining systems. Similarly, the qualification and certifIcation process might be abbreviated for work of minor scope such as touch-up.
5.3 A candidate’s qualifications for certification shall he initially determined by a suitable evaluation of the candidate’s education, experience, training, examination results and by a capability demonstration. The qualifying organization’s determinations must reflect definitive criteria with respect to the extent and currency of a candidate’s experience and training.
5.4 The job performance of personnel who perform coating and lining work inspection shall be reevaluated at periodic intervals not to exceed three years. The reevaluation process shall weigh evidence of continued satisfactory performance of inspection for the required extent or determine capability in accordance with 5.3. If, during this evaluation or at any other time, it is determined by the responsible organization that the capabilities of an individual are not in accordance with the qualifications specified for the job. that person shall be removed from that activity until the required capability has been demonstrated.
5.5 Qualification is considered revoked for any person who has not been actively engaged in the performance or supervision of coating and lining work inspection for a period of one year during the certification period. Reevaluation in accordance with 5.3 is required to restore qualification.
6. lunctional Qualifications
6. I All physical coating work inspection activities can he performed by personnel certified as qualifIed to perform coating and lining work inspection as Level I. Level II. or Level Ill status as described in the following.
6.2 Personnel certified as having attained Level I status shall be capable of the tollowing:
6.2.1 Implementing and recording all inspections required by the applicable procedures.
6.2.2 Verifying instrument calibration.
6.2.3 Performing hold point inspections in accordance with the applicable procedures.
6.3 Personnel certified as having attained Level II status shall be capable of the following:
6.3. 1 Performing all of the duties and responsibilities of Level I status personnel.
6.3.2 Planning and supervising inspections, initiating and reviewing inspection procedures, and evaluating the adequacy of inspection activities performed.
6.3.3 Reviewing. organizing. and approving results of inspections.
6.3.4 Monitoring the performance of and supervising the work of Level I status personnel.
6.3.5 Training and verifying, for certification, the qualilications of candidates for Level I inspection.ASTM D4537 pdf download.



