ASTM D4783-01 (R2021) pdf free download

ASTM D4783-01 (R2021) pdf free download.Standard Test Methods for Resistance of Adhesive Preparations in Container to Attack by Bacteria, Yeast, and Fungi.
1.1 These test methods cover the determination of the resistance of liquid adhesive preparations to microbial attack in the container by challenging adhesive specimens with cultures of bacteria, yeast. or fungi, and checking for their ability to return to sterility. These test methods return qualitative results.
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values in parentheses are for information only.
4. Suniniary of Test Method
4.1 The adhesive specimen is challenged by inoculation with a culture of bacteria, yeast, or fungi. which may he a single species or a mixed culture of several species, following the guidelines given in Note 6. The inoculated adhesive specimen is stored at 2 1 to 27°C (70 to 80°F) for 7 days. during which time cultures (streak plates) are made at preset intervals. See Note 2. At any point in the series of challenges. if the inoculated specimen shows microbial growth on the streak plates made during the week following the challenge (indicating that it has not returned to sterility), the test is discontinued,and the sample is reported as 1101 resistant to attack iii the container by the species or combination of species used as the inoculum. If the cultures show no growth, the test is repeated with up to four challenges. If the specimen tests out as sterile following the fourth challenge, it is reported to be resistant to attack in the container by the species or combination of species of bacteria. fungi. or yeast used as the inoculum. At the discretion of the biological laboratory, the test may be discontinued after the second or third challenge. See Section 16 for further interpretation.
4.2 The time necessary to kill is determined by noting the earliest streak plate to read sterile. If the 4-h plate is positive and the 24-h plate is negative, the kill time could be narrowed down further by repeating the challenge and making streak plates at intervals of 4. 8, 12, and 24 h following the challenge.
4.3 The testing laboratory has the option of changing the timing of the challenges, the sterility checks, and the incubation period.ASTM D4783 pdf download.



