ASTM D5163-16 (R2021) pdf free download

ASTM D5163-16 (R2021) pdf free download.Standard Guide for Establishing a Program for Condition Assessment of Coating Service Level I Coating Systems in Nuclear Power Plants.
1 .1 ASTM D5163 covers procedures for establishing a monitoring program for condition assessment of Coating Service Level (CSL) I coating systems in operating nuclear power plants. Monitoring is an ongoing process of evaluating the condition and performance of the in-service coating systems.
1.2 It is the intent of this standard to provide a recommended basis for establishing a coatings condition assessment program. not to mandate a singular basis for all programs. Variations or simplifications of the program described in this standard may be appropriate for each operating nuclear power plant depending on their licensing commitments.
1.3 This requirements of ASME Section XI. In-Service Inspection Subsections IWE and IWL are beyond the scope of this standard.
4. Significance and Use
4.1 Establishment of an in-service coatings monitoring program permits planning and prioritization of coatings maintemince work as needed to maintain coating integrity and performance in nuclear CSL I coating systems. For additional information on nuclear maintenance coating work, refer to ASTM MNL8.4
4.2 A coatings monitoring program enables early identification and detection of potential problems in coating systems. Some CSL I coating systems may he known in advance to he suspect, deficient, or unqualified. Monitoring coating performance will assist in developing follow-up procedures to resolve any significant deficiency relative to coating work.
4.3 Degraded coatings may generate debris under design basis accident conditions that could adversely affect the performance of the post-accident safety systems. A coatings monitoring program may be required to fulfill safety analysis report and generic letter commitments for CSL 1 coating work in a nuclear power plant facility.
5. Responsibility
5.1 The licensee or his designee should identify the department or group within the organization to be responsible for establishing the applicable requirements for activities or procedures covered by this standard and should document the scope of their responsibility. Delegation of this responsibility to other outside qualified organizations is permitted and should be documented.
5.2 The assigned department or group shall specify the detailed methods and procedures for meeting the applicable requirements of this standard.
5.3 The licensee’s Nuclear Coating Specialist, or other individual assigned by the department or group should he responsible for:
5.3.1 Coordinating inspections, and any necessary testing, of existing coatings.
5.3.2 Evaluating the results and assessing the coating condition.
5.3.3 Establishing priorities for coating repair/replacement.
5.3.4 Performing a specific follow-up inspection as necessary to investigate and resolve anomalies or degradation identified during the initial walk down.ASTM D5163 pdf download.



