ASTM D5185-18 pdf free download

ASTM D5185-18 pdf free download.Standard Test Method for Multielement Determination of Used and Unused Lubricating Oils and Base Oils by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES).
1 .1 This test method covers the determination of additive elements, wear metals, and contaminants in used and unused luhricatin oils and base oils by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AFS). The specific elements arc listed in Table I.
1.2 this lest method covers the determination of selected elements, listed in Table 1, in re-refined and virgin base oils.
1.3 For analysis of any element using wavelengths below ISk) nm. a vacuum or incrL-as optical path is required. The determination of stxlium and )tassium is not possibic on some instruments having a liniited spectral range.
1.4 ibis test method uses oil-soluble metals for calibration and does not purport to quantitatively determine insoluble particutates. Analytical results are particle sue dependent. and low results arc obtained for particles larger than a few micrometers.
1.5 Elements present at concentral ions above the upper limit of the calibration curves can be determined with additional. appropriate dilutions and with no degradation of precision.
1.6 For elements other than calcium, sulfur, and zinc. The low limits listed in Tablc 2 and Table 3 were estimated to be ten times the repeatability standard deviation. For calcium, sulfur. and zinc, the low hauls represent the lowest concentrations tested in the intcrlabocutorv study.
1 .7 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of incasurement are included in this standard.ASTM D5185 pdf download.



