ASTM D5832-98 (R2021) pdf free download

ASTM D5832-98 (R2021) pdf free download.Standard Test Method for Volatile Matter Content of Activated Carbon Samples.
1 .1 This test method covers the determination of the percentage of gaseous products. exclusive of moisture vapor, present in virgin and used activated carbons which are released under specific conditions of the test.
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to he regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 Volatile matter, when determined as herein described, may he used as a relative measure of the extent of carbonization in an activated carbon and the extent of loading of volatile material on an activated carbon that has been used in an adsorption application.
5.2 Combined with other inthrmation, the volatile matter of an activated carbon may be useful in evaluating its performance in an adsorption application.
5.3 Other automated methods for the determination of the volatile content of solids, such as using a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA), can be used in place of this test method with equally reliable results.
6. Apparatus
6.1 Crucible and Cover, high-temperature porcelain, high form, 30 cc capacity.
6.2 Oven, forced-air circulation, capable of temperature regulation up to 250 °C.
6.3 Moisture Deter,nination Apflarafus, as described in Test Method D2867.
6.4 Miffle Furnace, gravity circulation, capable of temperature regulation at 950 ± 25 °C. An electric furnace similar to the one described in Test Method D3 175 is suitable ftr use in this test method.
6.5 Desiccator, glass. with indicating type desiccant.
6.6 Balance, analytical, capable of 0.1 mg sensitivity.
7. Hazards
7.1 The furnace used in this test method should he located in a well-ventilated area to eliminate exposure to possible toxic vapors that may evolve from the carbon sample during the high-temperature heating.
7.2 Exercise care when working with the high-temperature furnace to eliminate the possibility of bums.
8. Procedure
8.1 Determine the moisture content of an as-received representative portion of the sample using the xylene extraction Test Method described in D2867. If the as-received sample is wet, drain it of all free liquid before the representative sample is taken.
8.2 Weigh to 0. I mg accuracy a crucible and cover that have been ignited in a muffle furnace regulated at 950 °C for 30 mm and cooled in a desiccator. Record the weight.
8.3 Using a spoon or spatula. dip from the sample bottle approximately 1 g of the as-received sample and place it in the pre-dried and tared crucible. Cover it with a lid and immediately weigh it to the nearest 0.1 mg.
8.4 Place the covered crucible in the muffle furnace regulated at 950 ± 25 °C for 7 mm ± 10 s.
8.5 Remove the covered crucible from the mulfie furnace and cool to room temperature in a desiccator.
8.6 Weigh the covered crucible to the nearest 0.1 mg. Record the weight.ASTM D5832 pdf download.



