ASTM D6700:19 pdf free download

ASTM D6700:19 pdf free download.Standard Guide for Use of Scrap Tires as Tire-Derived Fuel.
1.1 This guide covers and provides guidance for the material recovery of scrap tires for their fuel value. The conversion of a whole scrap tire into a chipped formed for use as a fuel produces a product called tire-derived fuel (TDF). This recovery guide has moved from a pioneering concept in the early 1980s to a proven and continuous use in the United States with industrial and uti lily applications.
1.2 Combustion units engineered to use solid fuels, such as coal or wood, or both, are fairly numerous throughout the U.S. Many of these units arc 110W using TDF even though they were not specifically designed to burn TDF. It is clear that TDF has combustion characteristics similar to other carbon-based solid fuels. Similarities led to pragmatic testing in existing combuslion units. Successful testing led to subsequent acceptance of TDF as a supplemental fuel when blended with conventional fuels in existing combustion devices. Changes required to modify appropriate existing combustion units to accommodate TDF range from none to relatively minor. The issues of proper applications and specifications are critical to successful utilitation of this alternative energy resource.
1.3 This guide explains TDF’s use when blended and combusted under normal operating conditions with originally specified fuels. Whole-tire combustion for energy recovery is not discussed herein, since whole-tire usage does not require tire processing to a defined fuel specification.
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
4. Significance and Use
4.1 When considering the specification of fuels for a boiler. issues to evaluate are the fuel’s combustion characteristics. handling and feeding logistics, environmental concerns. and ash residue considerations. A thorough understanding of these issues is required to engineer the combustion unit for power and steam generation: however. TDF has demonstrated compatible characteristics allowing it to serve as a supplemental fuel in existing combustion Units based on cumulative experience in many facilities originally designed for traditional fossil fuels, or wood wastes, or both. When used as a supplemental energy resource in existing units. TDF usage is generally limited to blend ratios in the 10 to 30 % range based on energy input. This limit is due to its high heat release rate and low moisture content. which dilier signiticanily from other solid fuels such as wood, refuse-derived fuel, coal. and petroleum coke.ASTM D6700 pdf download.



