ASTM D7789-12 (R2021) pdf free download

ASTM D7789-12 (R2021) pdf free download.Standard Practice for Collection of Fungal Material from Surfaces by Swab.
1.1 The purpose of this practice is to describe the procedures for collection of surface samples using sterile swabs.
1.2 The purpose of this practice is to support the held investigator in di lierentiati ng tungal materials from non-fungal material such as scutLs, soot deposits. stains, pigments. dust, efflorescence, adhesives, dust, and water stains.
1.3 This practice does not address building occupant exposures, or occupant health risks.
1.4 The samples collected by this practice are appropriate for culture, direct microscopy. and biochemical analysis. or combination thereof.
3.1.1 sample, n—a portion of a population intended to he representative of the whole. a portion of a population. A portion of material that is taken for testing or record purposes. D6044
3.1.2 sampling, n—a process consisting of the withdrawal or isolation of a fractional part of the whole. D1356
3.2 DeJinition.s of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 area (suiflice, sampled), n—a defined, measured extent of surface sampled.
3.2.2 biochemical analysis, il—act of assessing chemical substances (that is, chitin. enzyme activity. ergosterol. mycotoxin. DNA) originating from living or dead organisms.
3.2.3 chain of custody (COC), n—a document that provides for the traceable transfer of field samples to the analytical laboratory. It may or may not be combined with the field data sheet.
3.2.4 culture analysis, li—act of assessing microorganisms (if present) capable of growing on selected media under artificial and controlled conditions.
3.2.5 direct microscopy analysis, n—act of assessing microorganisms (if present) using an optical compound microscope.
3.2.6 field data sheet, n—a record of varying names that provides a reference document for information directly related to the sample collection event, including pre- and post- calibration data.
3.2.7 fungal material, n—fungal spores. hyphae and reproductive structures.
3.2.8 fungi, n—eukaryotic, heterotrophic. absorptive organisms that develop a rather diffuse, branched, tubular body (that
is. network of hyphae) and reproduce by means of spores.3 The terms ‘mold’ and mi1dew’ are frequently used by laypersons when referring to various fungal colonization. For purposes of’ this practice, these terms have no technical meaning.
4. Significance and Use
4. 1 This practice provides a procedure for collecting surface material using a sterile swab.
4.2 A swab sample collected according to this practice is intended to be used to assess fungal material on surfaces.ASTM D7789 pdf download.



