ASTM E1105-96 pdf free download

ASTM E1105-96 pdf free download.Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls, by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference.
5.4 The field test may also be made after the building is completed and in service to determine whether or not reported leakage problems are due to the failure of the installed assemblies to resist water penetration at the specified static air pressure difference. Generally it is possible to conduct tests on window and door assemblies without too much difficulty, and to identify sources of leakage. A curtain-wall assembly, on the other hand, may not be accessible from the inside without the removal of interior finished walls and ceilings. Even with removal of interior walls and ceilings, it may not be possible to observe curtain-wall surfaces behind spandrel beams. The feasibility of conducting a meaningful static air pressure difference water penetration test on an in-service building must be carefully evaluated before being specified.
5.5 Weather conditions can affect the static air pressure difference measurements. If wind gusting causes pressure fluctuation to exceed ±10 % from the specified test pressure, the test should not be conducted.
5.6 Generally it is more convenient to use an interior mounted pressure chamber from which air is exhausted to obtain a lower pressure on the interior surface of the specimen. A calibrated rack of nozzles is then used to spray water at the proper rate on the exterior surface. Under circumstances where it is desirable to use an exteriormounted pressure chamber, the spray rack must be located in the pressure chamber and air supplied to maintain a higher pressure on the exterior surface. Exterior chambers are difficult to attach readily and seal to exterior surfaces.
5.7 Even though the equipment requirements are similar, this procedure is nor intended to measure air infiltration because of the difficulty of isolating the component air leakage from the extraneous leakage through weep holes, mullion joints, trim, or other surrounding materials.
6. Apparatus
6.1 The description of apparatus in this section is general in nature, and any arrangement of equipment capable of performing the test procedures within allowable tolerances is permitted.
6.2 Major Components (Fig. 1):
6.2.1 Test Chamber—A chamber or box made of plywood, plastic, or other suitable material and sealed against the test specimen. Test chambers mounted on the interior must be made so that interior surfaces and joints of the specimen can be easily observed for water penetration during the test. No part of the testing chamber shall come in contact with or restrict any point where water pentration may occur. At least one static air pressure tap shall be provided to measure the chamber air pressure versus the ambient (interior-exterior) air pressure and shall be located so that the reading is unaffected by exterior impinging wind, or by the air supply to or exhaust from the test chamber. The air supply to or exhaust from the test chamber shall be arranged so that air does not impinge directly on the test specimen with any significant velocity.
6.2.2 Air System—A controllable blower, exhaust system, or reversible blower capable of providing the required maximum air pressure difference across the test specimen. The system must provide essentially constant air flow at a fixed pressure for the required test period.
6.2.3 Pressure Measuring Apparatus—A device to measure the test pressure difference within a tolerance of ±2 % or ±2.5 Pa (±0.01 in. of water column), whichever is greater.ASTM E1105 pdf download.



