ASTM E1251-11pdf free download

ASTM E1251-11pdf free download.Standard Test Method for Analysis of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry.
1 .1 This test method describes the analysis of aluminum and its alloys by atomic emission spectrornetry. The aluminum specimen to be analyzed may he in the form of a chili cast disk, casting. foil, sheet, plate. extrusion or some other wrought form or shape. The elements covered in the scope of this method are listed in the table below.
3. Terminology
3. 1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this Standard, refer to Terminology E 1 35.
3.2 Definitions of Ternis Specific to This Standard:
3.2. 1 binary type calibration—calibration curves determined using binary calibrants (primary aluminum to which has been added one specific element).
3.2.2 global type calibration—calibration curves determined using calibrants from many different alloys with considerable compositional differences.
3.2.3 alloy type calibration—cal ibrat ion curves determined using calihrants from alloys with similar compositions.
3.2.4 two point thift correction—the practice of analyzing a high and low standardant for each calibration curve and adjusting the counts or voltage values obtained back to the values obtained on those particular standardants during the collection of the calibration data. The corrections are accomplished mathematically and are applied to both the slope and intercept. Improved precision may he obtained by using a multi-point drift correction as described in Practice E1329.
3.2.5 type standardization—rnathematical adjustment of the calibration curve’s slope or intercept using a single standardant (reference material) at or close to the nominal composition for the particular alloy being analyzed. For best results the standardant being used should he within ± tO % of the composition (for each respective element) of the material being analyzed.
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 A unipolar triggered capacitor discharge is produced in an argon atmosphere between the prepared flat surface of a specimen and the tip of a semi-permanent counter electrode. The energy of the discharge is sullicidnt to ablate material from the surface of the sample, break the chemical or physical bonds, and cause the resulting atoms or ions to emit radiant energy.ASTM E1251 pdf download.



