ASTM E1281-15 (R2021) pdf free download

ASTM E1281-15 (R2021) pdf free download.Standard Guide for Nuclear Facility Decommissioning Plans.
1.1 This guide applies to decommissioning plans for any nuclear facility whose operation was (is) governed by Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Agreement State license, under Department of Energy (DOE) orders, or whose operation was overseen by another federal, state, or local agency.
1.2 The guide applies to the preparation and content of the decommissioning plan document itself.
1.3 The detailed description and development of implementation plans identified in Section 4 is outside the Scope of this guide.
3. Terminology
3. 1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard.
3. 1 . 1 decommission, it—to remove a nuclear facility safely from service and reduce residual radioactivity to levels that permit release of the property or facility for unrestricted use and termination of any applicable license(s).
3. 1 .2 decoiitanunation, n—those activities employed to reduce the levels of (radioactive) contamination in or on structures, equipment. materials, and personnel.
3. 1 .3 dismantlement, n—the alternative in which the equipment. structures, and portions of a facility and site containing radioactive contaminants are removed or decontaminated to a level that permits the property to he released for unrestricted use shortly after cessation of operations.
3. 1 .4 entomnbnie,ii, n—consists of placing the facility into protective storage. Initial entombment activities consist of removing the balance of plant contaminated components. systems, and structures from the site and scaling all the remaining contaminated and activated plant components and systems within the entombment boundary. This structure provides for containment of the entire radioactive inventory remaining on site during the entombment period. Other initial activities would consist of processing and removing radioactive waste, securing a possession-only license, and implementing security and surveillance plans for the delay period. Decommissioning is completed by either radioactive decay to unrestricted use levels or by dismantlement to unrestricted use levels. If dismantlement were selected following entombment, additional activities would he initiated after 30 or more years and would consist of radiation surveys, removal of the entombment structure and materials within it. processing and removal of any remaining solid and liquid radioactive wastes, and restoring/releasing the site for unrestricted use.
3.1.5 nuclear facility, n—a facility whose operations involve (or involved) radioactive materials in such form or quantity that a radiological hazard potentially exists to the employees or the general public. Included are facilities that are (or were) used to produce, process. or store radioactive materials. Some examples are nuclear reactors (power, test, or research), fuel fabrication plants. fuel reprocessing plants. uranium/thorium mills, UF-6 production and enrichment plants. radiochemical laboratories, and radioactive waste disposal sites.
3.1.6 safe storage, n—consists of placing and maintaining the facility in protective storage.ASTM E1281 pdf download.



