ASTM E1402-13 (R2018) pdf free download

ASTM E1402-13 (R2018) pdf free download.Standard Guide for Sampling Design.
1.1 This guide defines terms and introduces basic methods for probability sampling of discrete populations. areas, and hulk materials. It provides an overview of common probability sampling methods employed by users of ASTM standards.
1.2 Sampling may he done for the purpose of estimation, of comparison between parts of a sampled population, or for acceptance of lots. Sampling is also used for the purpose of auditing information obtained from complete enumeration of the population.
1.3 No system of units is specified in this standard.
3. Terminology
3. 1 Definitions—For a more extensive list of statistical erms. refer to Ternilnology E456.
3.1. 1 area sampliiig. n—probability sampling in which a map. rather than a tabulation of sampling Units, serves as the sampling frame. Discussion—Area sampling units arc segments of land area and are listed by addresses on the frame prior to their actual delineation on the ground so that only the randomly selected ones need to be exactly identified.
3.1.2 bulk sampling, n—sampling to prepare a portion of a mass of material that is representative of the whole.
3.1.3 cluster sampling. az—sampling in which the sampling unit consists of a group of subunits, all of which are measured for sampled clusters.
3.1.4 frame, n—a list, compiled for sampling purposes, which designates all of the sampling units (items or groups) of a population or universe to he considered in a specific study.
3.1.5 multi-stage sampling, n—sampling in which the sample is selected by stages. the sampling units at each stage being selected from subunits of the larger sampling units chosen at (he previous stage. Discussion—-The sampling unit for the first stage is the primary sampling unit. In multi-stage sampling, this unit is further subdivided. The second stage unit is called the secondary sampling unit. A third stage unit is called a tertiary sampling unit. The final sample is the set of all last stage sampling units that are obtained. As an example of sampling a lot of packaged prxluct, the cartons of a lot could he the primary units, packages within the carton could be secondary units, and items within the packages could he the third-stage units.
3.1.6 nested sampling. mi—same as multi-stage swnpling.
3.1.7 primary sampling unit. PSU, n—the item, element, increment, segment or cluster selected at the first stage of’ the selection procedure from a population or universe.
3.1.8 probability proportional to size sampling, PPS, mm— probability sampling in which the probabilities of selection of sampling units are proportional. or nearly proportional. to a quantity (the “size”) that is known for all sampling units.ASTM E1402 pdf download.



