ASTM E2523-13 (R2018) pdf free download

ASTM E2523-13 (R2018) pdf free download.Standard Terminology for Metalworking Fluids and Operations.
1.1 This terminology standard provides a compilation of ASTM and non-ASTM COflSCflSUS defInitions of terms used in the metalworking industry.
1 .2 This terminology standard does not purport to be an exhaustive lexicon. Rather, it defines terms relevant to metalworking fluid management and metalworking fluid health and
1.3 This terminology standard defines primary metalworking operations, fluid types, and other terms germane to the practice of metalworking fluid management.
4. Terminology
acid-fast bacteria, n—a distinctive staining property of My(obcwIeria due to their lipid-rich ccli walls.
Discussion—Once stained. mycohacteriurn resist decoloritation when exposed to acidified organic Ivents and are, therefore. infor mall) designated acid-fast. F25M
active ingredient (a.i.), n—the chemical or components of an antimicrobial pesticide that provides its antimicrobial
performance. F2169, E2275
acute dermal toxicity, n- health hazards likely to arise from short-term exposure to a substance via the skin or mucosa.
discussion—Results of acute dermal toxicity testing may provide initial information on the dernial absorption and the mode of toxic action of a substance. Moreover, some measure of irritation caused by the fluid may be obtained by observing local tissue damage at the site of application. Endpoint: mortality.
acute inhalation toxicity. n— the potential of a fluid, vapor, or gas to cause death and other adverse health effects when inhaled for a specified time period. E1302
dicussion—The endpoint may be mortality or other specific health eflect designated in the test protocol.
acute oral toxicity, u—health hazards likely to arise from short-term exposure to a substance via the oral route
(ingestion). E1302
adenosine monophosphate (AMP), n—the molecule formed by the removal of two molecules of phosphate (one pyro
phosphate molecule) from ATP. E2694
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), n—a molecule compnsed of a purinc and three phosphate groups that serves as the primary energy transport molecule in all biological cells. E2694
aerosol, n-—a dispersion of solid or liquid particles in a gaseous medium. E1356
antimicrobial pesticide, n—chemical additive registered under 40 CFR 156. for use to inhibit growth. proliferation, or
both of microorganisms. E2169, E2275.ASTM E2523 pdf download.



