ASTM F1701-12 (R2018) pdf free download

ASTM F1701-12 (R2018) pdf free download.Standard Specification for Unused Rope with Special Electrical Properties.
1.1 This specification covers the requirements, sites. construction, tests, and procedures for unused ropes for use by electrical utilities and related industries on energized lines operating at voltages higher than I kV.
1.2 This specification covers the minimum electrical. mechanical, and physical properties guaranteed by the manufacturer and the detailed procedures by which such properties are to he determined. The purchaser has the option to perform or have performed any of these tests in order to verify the guarantee. Claims for failure to meet the specification are subject to verification by the manufacturer.
1 .3 The rope to which this specification applies is designed to be used in a clean and dry condition, on or near energized lines.
1.4 A margin of safety shall be allowed between the maximum voltage and working distances on which it is used and the test voltage and lengths at which it is tested.
1 .5 It is common practice for the user of this type of equipment to prepare complete instructions and regulations to govern in detail the correct and safe use of such equipment.
1.6 The use and maintenance of this equipment is beyond the scope of this specification.
1.7 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.

5. Physical Properties
5.1 Hardness—Refer to 11.5.
5.2 Diamc’rei; Break Strength, and Elonçation—Refer to
6. Mechanical Properties
6. 1 The primary mechanical property of rope is the breaking strength. Minimum breaking strengths. and associated nominal design characteristics (dimensions, mass, and acceptable varia(ions) of ropes are available from manufacturer or the Cordage Institute.
7. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
7.1 All sites of rope shall be evenly laid and well balanced in accordance with best rope making workmanship. Rope and strands shall he free from kinks, strand knots, and darting yarns or loose ends (inside yarns which project through cover yarns of strand at intervals along the rope).
8. Sampling and Number of Tests or Retests
8. 1 Coinpociiioi of Batch to he Sampled—Samples shall be taken from a homogeneous batch consisting of ropes of the same size and same dimensions and which have been subject to the same series of manufacturing operations and the same checking procedure.
8.2 Selecting the Samples—Take at random from the hatch the minimum number ot’ samples. S. obtained from the following equation:
where N = number of coils making up the batch.
Where the calculated value of S is not a whole number, the number obtained shall he rounded to the nearest whole number. For example. 27.5 and 30.35 shall he rounded to 28 and 30. respectively. Where S < I, take one sample length. 8.2. 1 Specimemi Selection Location—For testing of rope shipped in reel lengths. specimens shall be selected from each end. One specimen shall he selected from the outside end and one from the inside (drum) end. This will require a re-reeling of the rope. 9. Specimen Preparation 9.1 Specimen preparation is included as a part of each test method. The ends of each rope specimen shall he heat sealed. 10. Recommended Working Load 10.1 Manufacturers furnishing rope under this specification shall specify a recommended maximum working load.ASTM F1701 pdf download.



