ASTM F2971-13 (R2021) pdf free download

ASTM F2971-13 (R2021) pdf free download.Standard Practice for Reporting Data for Test Specimens Prepared by Additive Manufacturing.
1.1 This practice describes a standard procedure for reporting results by testing or evaluation of specimens produced by additive manufacturing (AM). This practice provides a cornmon format for presenting data for AM specimens, for two purposes: (1) to establish further data reporting requirements, and (2) to provide information for the design of material property databases.
1 .2 The values stated in SI units are required for all additive manufacturing related standards. However, when this standard is used in combination with any test method or equipment specified in inch-pound units the results should be reported with mathematical conversions to SI units immediately following in parentheses. The conversions shall he provided for intormation only and are not considered standard.
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions—shall be in accordance with Terminologies F2792 and F2921.
4. Significance and Use
4.1 Due to variables unique to each AM process and piece of equipment. it is critical to standardize descriptions used to report the preparation. processing, and post processing of specimens produced for tests or evaluation. The intent of this practice is to consistently document the materials and processing history associated with specimens undergoing test or evaluation. The level of detail for the documentation will match the application.
4.2 This practice establishes minimum data element requirements for reporting of material and process data for the purpose of:
4.2.1 Standardizing test specimen descriptions and test reports,
4.2.2 Assisting designers by standardizing AM materials databases.
4.2.3 Aiding material traceability through testing and evaluation,
4.2.4 Capturing property-parameter-performance relationships of AM specimens to enable predictive modeling and other computational approaches.
5. Requirements
5. 1 This section specifies the data and information required to be reported for test specimens built using AM.
5. 1. 1 Materials and Process Reporting Requirements—The following materials and processes information must be reported for test specimens built using AM.ASTM F2971 pdf download.



