AWWA G100-17 pdf download

AWWA G100-17 pdf download.Water Treatment Plant Operation and Management
4.2.1 Business practices. Each plant shall have a mission statement or pur- pose that includes optimizing water quality and that is communicated to individu- als participating in the treatment of raw water for potable use. Te treatment plant shall have, as part of its management goals, the review frequency of its performance goals. Te management system shall keep records regarding the accomplishment of the goals, have a periodic review, and take documented action if goals are not being achieved. Te following requirements apply to the portion of the utility’s programs that pertain to the water treatment plant. Plant personnel shall be involved in the accomplishment of the utility’s programs. Budget and fnancial management. Te plant shall assess the cost of operation at least annually and provide input regarding estimated expenses to accomplish the requirements of this standard. Plant personnel shall provide recom- mendations for equipment purchase and other plant-specifc expenditures. Actual expenses shall be evaluated against estimates at least quarterly (monthly is recom- mended). Te plant shall demonstrate adequate funds to incorporate aspects of the standard. Treatment plant capital improvement planning. Te plant shall have a current forward-looking assessment of the need for capital improvements consistent with master or facility plans. Master or facility planning should occur on a regular basis. Capital improvement plans are recommended to include 1-year, 5-year, and 20-year planning horizons. Energy management program. Te plant shall review and opti- mize electrical energy usage at regular intervals (recommended yearly), including review of energy use trends and costs, and shall consider energy costs in the evalu- ation of new or replacement treatment system components.
4.2.2 Treatment plant production limits. Te plant shall have a written policy that establishes the plant production limits for each unit process, sets pro- cess objectives, and compares the plant with permitted, approved, established pro- duction limits or design capacity appropriate for the raw water conditions.AWWA G100-17 pdf download.



