BS 669-1-1989 pdf download.Flexible hoses, end fittings and sockets for gas burning appliances.
1 Scope This Part of BS 669 specifies type test requirements for strip-wound metallic tlexible hoses, covers, end fittings and sockets for use with domestic cookers and appliances burning 1st and 2nd family gases at a nominal inlet pressure of 20 mbar*. The requirements for strip-wound flexible hoses with end fttings attached are specified in section two, Section three specifies additional requirements for the end fttings and sockets. NOTE. The titlos of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back covcr.
2 Definitions For the purposes of thls Part of BS 669 the definitions given inBS 1179 :1967 and BS 1179 : Part 6 apply together with the following.
2.1 cover. Any tubular outer cover used to improve the characteristics of the flexible hose.
2.2 end fitting. A component permanently attached to a flexible hose that allows gas-tIght connection to other plpework and can be either a plug or BS 21 thread, with gwivel if nessary, for ftting into the appropriate wall socket or threaded end on the appliance.
2..3 end ftting assembly, An assembled plug and socket or union assembly complete with swivel.
2.4 flexible connec :on. A strip-wound flexlble hose with cover ftted and end fttings attached.
2.5 flexible connection assembly. The complete assembly comprising flexible connection and any matching socket.
2.6 flexible hose. A tube, made of strip-wound metal, and generally of small diameter section, that is able to support repeated bending without damage.
2.7 flow rate. The rate of flow of gas through a flexible connection assembly under normal conditions.
2.8 inside diameter. The diameter of the largest sphere that can pass freely through the flexible hose.
2.9 non-chlorinated material. A synthetic rubber material that does not include chlorine.
2.10 overall length. The length of a flexible connection, measured while it is lying straight on a flat horizontal surface.
2.11 plug and socket. A two part ftting that provides qulck connection and disconnection of an appliance to the gas supply. The plug is an end ftting of the flexible connection and the socket is an installation ftting which is self-sealing as the plug is withdrawn.
2.12 sealing threadt. Gauged thread of rubber used to assure soundness of a strip-wound flexible hose.
2.13 strip. Metal sheet suitable for cold forming into metallic hose.
2.14 strip-wound flexible hose. A pressure-tight flexible hose made from a spiral-wound, preformed steel strip, witha righi-hand helix. The turns are interconnected by overlapping and incorporate a sealing thread to ensure soundness. Flexibility is achieved by sliding adjacent turns on each other.
2.15 swivel (or rotary joint). A devicc that enables a continuous axial rotation of the flexihle hose with respect to the installation pipe ftting or to the appliance as appropriate without reducing the gas tightness of the flexible connection assembly.
BS 669-1 pdf download.