BS ISO IEC 6592:2000 pdf download

BS ISO IEC 6592:2000 pdf download.Information technology - Guidelines for the documentation of computer-based application systems
4.2 Principles of documentation
The primary principle of documenting should be to identify all types of users of the system's documents一"user" in this context includes not only the end-users of the software, but also developers, testers and other people who use the documents prepared during the development process.
Having identified all of the different types of users (this International Standard refers to these users later as "audiences"), it is then necessary to think about their information needs.Different end-user audiences will have different information needs, and different developer audiences will also have different needs, depending on the tasks they will perform. The information should then be translated into a set of "information items" matching, if possible, those given in 5.4.
There are a number of well-developed documentation methodologies to help with this process. This International Standard does not depend on the use of any particular methodology. Documents satisfying user needs require planning.
Having reached agreement on a list of information items, use a documentation profile to map those information items to specific documents. The documents described in this International Standard may be recorded on any medium. Some documentation methodologies will assist in deciding on the appropriate document medium, layout and structure.
4.3.1 General application
To apply this International Standard, the information requirements of the users of the documents should be determined. These requirements should be specified in a documentation profile (see 5.2) using the description of information items (see 5.3 and 5.4).
The preparation of a documentation profile is essential to establish the contents of the documents forming the complete set of system documentation. The customer and supplier should agree to the profile so there is prior understanding of the contents of the documentation set to be delivered to the customer.
The development of the documentation profile will enable both parties to agree on document titles and contents.
The content and the complexity of the documents will depend on the application of the software system and the audience for the documents specified in the profile.
Information items to review in determining the content and the complexity of the documents are presented in three levels. These levels may be used in a variety of ways, such as the following:
● Level 1 information items may be required in summary documents or early in the life cycle. Levels 2 and 3 information items may be required in more detailed documents or later in the life cycle.
● Level 1 information items may be the only ones required in simple systems where detailed documents are not needed.
● Levels 2 and 3 information items may be required for software systems considered more critical and sensitive than other software systems.
This International Standard may be used either to define specific types of documents and their contents, or to verify an existing set of document types conforms to this International Standard.BS ISO IEC 6592 pdf download.



