IEC 61400-1:2005 pdf download

IEC 61400-1:2005 pdf download.Wind turbines - Part 1:Design requirements
5.1 General
The engineering and technical requirements to ensure the safety of the structural, mechanical,electrical and control systems of the wind turbine are given in the following clauses. This specification of requirements applies to the design, manufacture, installation and manuals for operation and maintenance of a wind turbine and the associated quality management process.In addition, safety procedures, which have been established in the various practices that are used in the installation, operation and maintenance of wind turbine, are taken into account.
5.2 Design methods
This standard requires the use of a structural dynamics model to predict design loads. Such a model shall be used to determine the loads over a range of wind speeds, using the turbulence conditions and other wind conditions defined in Clause 6 and design situations defined in Clause 7. All relevant combinations of external conditions and design situations shall be analysed. A minimum set of such combinations has been defined as load cases in this standard.
Data from full scale testing of a wind turbine may be used to increase confidence in predicted design values and to verify structural dynamics models and design situations.
Verification of the adequacy of the design shall be made by calculation and/or by testing. If test results are used in this verification, the external conditions during the test shall be shown to reflect the characteristic values and design situations defined in this standard. The selection of test conditions, including the test loads, shall take account of the relevant safety factors.
6.2 Wind turbine classes
The external conditions to be considered for design are dependent on the intended site or site type for a wind turbine installation. Wind turbine classes are defined in terms of wind speed and turbulence parameters. The intention of the classes is to cover most applications. The values of wind speed and turbulence parameters are intended to represent many different sites and do not give a precise representation of any specific site, see 11.3. The wind turbine classification offers a range of robustness clearly defined in terms of the wind speed and turbulence parameters. Table 1 specifies the basic parameters, which define the wind turbine classes.
A further wind turbine class, class S, is defined for use when special wind or other external conditions or a special safety class, see 5.3, are required by the designer and/or the customer.The design values for the wind turbine class S shall be chosen by the designer and specified in the design documentation. For such special designs, the values chosen for the design conditions shall reflect an environment at least as severe as is anticipated for the use of the wind turbine.IEC 61400-1 pdf download.



