ASTM C191-13 pdf free download

ASTM C191-13 pdf free download.Standard Test Methods for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle.
1.1 These test methods determine the time of setting of hydraulic cement by means of the Vicat needle. Two test methods arc given; Method A is the Reference Test Method using the manually operated standard Vicat apparatus. while Method B permits the use of an automatic Vicat machine that has, in accordance with the qualification requirements of this method, demonstrated acceptable performance.
1 .2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.
6. Apparatus
6.1 Vicat Apparatus—See Annex Al.l and Fig. Al.l. The Vicat apparatus for this test method shall have a movable rod, B. of mass 300 ± 0.5g.
6. 1.1 The end of the rod used for measuring penetration shall have a straight steel removable needle with a diameter of 1.00 ± 0.05 mm and length no less than 50 mm.
6.1.2 The needle end that contacts the specimen shall be flat, plane. and at right angles to the axis of the rod.
6.2 Reference Masses and Devices for Determining Mass, conforming to the requirements of Specification Cl005. The devices for determining mass shall be evaluated for precision and accuracy at a total load of 1000 g.
6.3 Glass Graduates, 200 or 250-mL capacity, and conforming to the requirements of Specification C 1005.
6.4 Plane non-adsorptive plate, 100 ± 5 mm square of similar planeness, corrosivily, and absorplivity to that of glass (see Annex Al.1, Fig. A1.1, H).
6.5 FIat trowel, having a sharpened straight-edged steel blade 100 to 150 mm in length. The edges when placed on a
plane surface shall not depart from straightness by more than 1 mm.
6.6 Conical ring, made of a rigid, non-corroding. non- absorbent material and having a height of 40 ± I miii, an inside diameter at the bottom of 70 3 mm, and an inside diameter at the top of 60 ± 3 mm (see Annex A1. 1, Fig. A1.1,
6.7 Mixer, bowl, and paddle, conforming to Practice C305.
6.8 A utoinatic Vicar Needle Apparatus for Method B—The apparatus shall he equipped with a Vicat needle as described in 6. 1.1 and 6. 1.2. The total mass supported by the needle tip at the Lime of measurement shall be 300 ± 0.5 g. The instrument shall be capable of automatically completing and recording penetration measurements of a test specimen at predetermined time intervals noL exceeding 10 mm and make each penetration test at least 5 mm away from any previous penetration and at least 10 mm away from the inner side of the mold.
6.9 Specimen Mold for Method B—The cement paste is held in a conical ring with the height of 40 ± 1 mm and a removable base plate. The test surface shall have a minimum diameter ot 60 ± 3 mm.ASTM C191 pdf download.



