ASTM D5851-95 (R2021) pdf free download

ASTM D5851-95 (R2021) pdf free download.Standard Guide for Planning and Implementing a Water Monitoring Program.
1.1 Purpose—This guide is generic in its application to surface or ground water, rivers, lakes, or estuaries (quantity and quality), it proposes a series of options that offer direction without recommending a definite course of action and discusses the major elements that are common to all purposes of water monitoring.
1 .2 The elements described are applicable whether the monitoring is only for one location or integrates multiple measurement sites for the purpose of assessing a whole watershed, estuary, or aquifer system.
1.3 This guide is intended to outline for planners and administrators the components, process, and procedures which should he considered when proposing. planning, or implementing a monitoring program. The guide is not a substitute for obtaining specific technical advice. The reader is not assumed to be a technical practitioner in the water field; however, practitioners will find it a good summary of practice and a handy checklist. Other standard guides have or will be prepared that address the necessary detail.
1 .4 Monitoring Components—A water monitoring program is composed of a set of activities, practices. and procedures designed to collect reliable information of known accuracy and precision concerning a particular water resource in order to achieve a specific goal or purpose. The purposes may range in scope from tracking status and trends on a regional or national basis to gathering data to determine the effects of a specific management practice or pollution incident such as a spill. This guide suggests and discusses the following process and components:
1.4.1 Establishment of program goals and objectives and recording of decisions in a written plan (see 6.1),
1.4.2 Developing background data and a conceptual model (see 6.1.12),
1.4.3 Establishment of data (quality, quantity, type) objectives (see 6.2),
1.4.4 Design of field measurement and sampling strategies and specification of laboratory analyses and data acceptance criteria (see 6.3),
1.4.5 Data storage and transfer (see 6.6),
1.4.6 Implementation of sampling and analysis strategies (see 64),
1.4.7 Data quality assessment (see 6.5),
1.4.8 Assessment of data (see 6.7),
1.4.9 Program evaluation (see 6.8), and
1.4.10 Reporting (see 6.9).
See also Fig. X 1.1 in Appendix Xl and the condensed list of headings in Appendix X2.
1.5 Monitoring Purposes—Establishing goals defines the purpose for monitoring. Each purpose has some monitoring design needs specific to itself. There are six major purposes for water monitoring. They are as follows:
1 .5. 1 Determining the Status (111(1 Trends of Water Conditions—This can require long term, regular monitoring to determine how parameters change over time.
1 .5.2 Detecting Existing and Emerging Problems— Determining if how, or where a substance may move through an aquatic system. or if water quantities are changing.
1 .5 .3 Developing and Itnplc’inen ring Mona geinen t and Regulatory Programs—Includes baseline and reconnaissance monitoring to characterize existing conditions such as to identify critical areas or hot spots: implementation monitoring to assess whether activities were carried out as planned; and compliance monitoring to determine if specific water quality or water use criteria were met.
1 .5.4 Responding to an Ei;ietgencv—Performed to provide information in the near term.ASTM D5851 pdf download.



