ASTM F2341-05 (R2021) pdf free download

ASTM F2341-05 (R2021) pdf free download.Standard Practice for User Requirements for Livestock, Meat, and Poultry Evaluation Devices or Systems.
1.1 This practice covers the requirements for users of livestock, meat, and poultry evaluation devices or systems used to measure and record composition or quality constituents of live animals, carcasses, and individual cuts of meat, when those devices or systems provide data that is used to determine economic value. Areas covered include: installation. operator training, operation, verification, inspection and maintenance of these evaluation devices or systems, and documentation of procedures for retention of original data.
3.2.1 device operaloi; n—any individual whose job responsibilities include the operation of an evaluation device or system.
3.2.2 document, n—permanent physical record, paper or electronic.
3.2.3 documentation, n—use of documents in authenticating or substantiating an act that may include user’s guides, technical manuals, setup and installation instructions, labeling, and procedures for retaining original data.
3.2.4 original data, n—initial data recorded by the device or system.
3.2.5 production day, n—period not exceeding 24 consecutive hours beginning with the initial production shift.
3.2.6 user n—person or entity that employs an evaluation system or device to determine value of live animals, carcasses, or individual cuts of meat or poultry.
4. Significance and Use
4.1 There arc several live animal or carcass evaluation devices or systems used or under development for usc in determination of economic value of live animals, carcasses, or individual cuts of meat. The correct use of these devices or systems may affect the reliability of the data.
4.2 This practice provides user requirements for installation, operator training, operation. verilication, inspection, maintenance, and retention of original data.
5. Procedure
5.1 Insraulation—Accurate and consistent results can only be obtained from a device or equipment that is properly installed and operated. The user shall maintain documentation that, at the time of installation, the measuring device was properly installed according to design specifications and manufacturer’s requirements.
5.2 Operator Training:
5.2.1 The user shall establish a documented training program which shall include an operator manual to ensure device operators are familiar with the design and operating characteristics of the devices or systems that the user installs, maintains, and operates.ASTM F2341 pdf download.



