AWS QC20:2020 pdf download

AWS QC20:2020 pdf download,Specification for AWS Certification of Resistance Welding Technicians
1. Scope
1.1 This specification establishes the requirements for AWS certification of resistance welding technicians. It describes how personnel are certified, and the principles of conduct and practice by which certification may be obtained and main-tained. Any oral or written claim of certification under the guidelines established herein shall be made only by the indi-vidual Certified Resistance Welding Technicians (CRWTs) who are, at the time of the claim, current and in compliance with all clauses of this specification. This specification meets or exceeds the requirements ofAWS C1.5:2019, Specification for the Qualification of Resistance Welding Technicians. This specification supersedes AWS QC20:2011.
1.2 In the certification process, AWS conducts an examination to determine a person's general knowledge of the resist-ance welding processes and related technical areas. No determination is made of an individual's capabilities in applying that knowledge within a specific work environment, nor under actual working conditions.
1.3 In the certification process, the employer is responsible for determining that a person has specific capabilities required for a given work assignment and other qualifications as stated herein.
1.4 It shall be the responsibility of the employers to determine if the CRWT is capable of performing the duties involved in their particular welding environment.
1.5 This specification is intended to supplement the requirements of an employer, code, or other documents and shall not be construed as a preemption of the employer's responsibility for the work or for the performance of the work.
7. Certification
7.1 Documentation. The American Welding Society shall issue to each CRWT applicant who complies with the require-ments of Clauses 5 and 6, as applicable, a serialized (unique number) credential(S) stating that the applicant has met the AWS certification requirements. The credential(s) indicates both the date of certification (year and month found in the serialized number) and the expiration date. The credential(s) shall not be altered in any way. Replacement credential(s) may be requested for an additional administrative fee. Certification shall be valid for five years unless revoked for reasons defined in Clause 8, Revocation. The original, current credential(s) shall be surrendered upon request to the Committee,or the Executive Director of AWS upon a finding carrying the penalty of revocation against the credential holder.
7.2 Verification. The AWS shall issue to the CRWT applicant who complies with the applicable requirements of AWS C1.5, Specification for the Qualification of Resistance Welding Technicians, a serialized (unique number) credential(s) stating that the applicant has met the AWS certification requirements.
The American Welding Society shall release certification test results only to the applicant, or to a person or agency des-ignated by the applicant CRWT upon written request. The exceptions to this requirement are members of American Welding Society staff and members and officers of the Committee, who may request and receive access to all information relating to program participants in the necessary pursuit of their duties on behalf of the program. Test results, in addition to those provided at the time of examination may require payment of a nominal administrative fee.AWS QC20 pdf download.



