AWWA C512:2007 pdf download

AWWA C512:2007 pdf download.Air-Release, Air/Vacuum, and Combination Air Valves for Waterworks Service
4.1 .1 Cntt/og rhtt. -llie carrtlog clata shall include illustrations, r,alve per- fbrnretrcc clatrr, rr pirrts schedule rhat identifies the materials usec{ for various parrs, atrd the rotal net :rsser-nblecl rveighr fbr each valve size.
4.1 .2 Certifiecl drawings. A set of certified drawings shall inclr.rde princi- pal dinrensions, consttLlction details, and materials used for all parts of the valve.
4.1 .3 Opcrnting rnanua/. An operating manual shall include rhe man- ttfactttrer's installarion and operating insrructions, a recommended list of spare parts, nncl tl're rnaiutetrancc procedures. The contents shall be sulficientlv detailed to direct the assembh'and disrrssenrbly of the valve and for the ordering of parrs. Rubber shall be resistant to microbial attack, copper poisoning, and ozone attack. Rubber compounds shall contain no rnore than 8 parts per million (ppm) of copper ion ancl shallincluc{e copper inhibitors to prevent copper degradation of the rubber material. Rubber compounds shall be capable of rvithstanding an ozone- resistance test when tesred in accordance rvith ASTM DI1 49. The tests shall be corrducted on the unstressecl samples for 70 hr at 1 04'F (40'C) with an ozone concentration of 0.5 ppm; and there shall be no visible cracking in the surfaces of the test samples after tests. Drain/test ports or.r valves rvith ir 1 -in. (25-mn-r) diarneter or larser inlet shall have(1 J-nrnr) NPT niinirnurl plr-rgged dririn/test port located trerrr the bottom of the valr.e boclv and ir plrreged test port near the top of the vah'e. Atr air-release r.ah'e and an air/vrrcr,rum valve assembled rvith in- tercorlnecting piping sh:rll have pipe arrd fittings of sufficient size to prer.'ent cloe- eing ancl erltrapment of fbreign materials. The pipine berr,veen the airlvacuum valve anci the air-release valve shall bc installed to irllor,r' :rir ro rise to the air-release inlet. When required, ashutofFvalve isolating the nvo r',rlr-es shall be provided. Valve trim materials. Unless othenvise required bv the purchaser, vrrlve trinr mrr.tcrial shall bc inhcrcntly corrosicln resistant ancl shall be the rrranLr.- f:rcturer'standard material.AWWA C512 pdf download.



