BS 800-1988 pdf download

BS 800-1988 pdf download.Limits and methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics of household electrical appliances, portable tools and similar electrical apparatus.
Amendment 1 to the English version of CENELEC EN 55 014 This amendment is based on the decision taken by the CENELEC Technical Committee CISPR during its meeting held in November 1986 in Frankfurt. The changes to be made to the EN text are as follows. 4.1 Continuous interference Add at the end of the existing text the following new paragraphs: Continuous interference may be either broadband, caused by switching devices such as mechanical switches, commutators, and semiconductor regulators, or may be narrowband, caused by ectronic control devices such as microprocessors. Broadband interference is measured with a measuring receiver including a quasi-peak detector as described in Section One of CISPR Publication 16 (1977). Narrowband interference is measured with a CISPR measuring receiver in which the quasi-peak detector is replaced by an average detector. The average detector shall comply with Clause 23 of CISPR Publication 16. Note.- The limits for narrowband interference are tentative and may be relaxed or restricted after a period of experience.
4.1.1 Frequency range 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz ( terminal voltages) Delete the text of the first paragraph.
4.1.2 Frequency range 30 MHz to 300 MHz (interference power) Delete the text of the first paragraph.
4.2 Discontinuous interference Replace, page 21, the wording of Sub-clause by: Appliances which have a click rate of not more than 5 and which have instantaneous switching (i.e. the duration of each click is less than 10 ms) shall be deemed to comply with the limits, independant of the amplitude of the clicks. If either condition is not satisfied then the limits according to Sub-clause
4.2.3 apply. T hermostats for, or integrated in room-heating equipment (including convectors, fan heaters, forced-air heaters, oil-filled heaters, space- heaters,water-heaters or oil-burners) intended to be used stationary shall be in conformity with the limits for. continuous interference of household appliances and shall be tested according to the upper quartile method.
Measurements in the frequency range 0,15 MHz to 30 MHz are made at the terminals of the connecting lead using a_ probe in series with the input impedance of the measuring receiver.. The probe consists of a resistor having a resistance value of at least 1 500 2 in series with a capacitor with a reactive value negligible to the. resistance value (in the range 0,15 MHz to 30 MHz). Due allowance shall be made for the voltage division between the probe and the measuring set. Equipment which is made to be held in the hand shall be connected to the arti- ficial hand .BS 800 pdf download.



