BS ISO 6805:2020 pdf download

BS ISO 6805:2020 pdf download.Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for underground mining — Wire-reinforced hydraulic types for coal mining — Specification.
4.2 Grades and types
Hoses shall he selected from the grades of hose and the types classified by the outside diameter as
listed in ISO 18752.
5 Materials and construction
5.1 Hoses
Hoses shall consist of a hydraulic-fluid-resistant rubber lining, one or multiple layers of steel wire reinforcement, and an oil-, abrasion- and weather-resistant rubber cover. A layer of other materials on the rubber cover is allowed for improved resistance to abrasion or other properties. The hose shall be conductive and fire-resistant.
5.2 Hose assemblies
Hose assemblies shall only be manufactured using hose fittings which conform to the requirements of ISO 18752. Hose fittings shall be matched to the hose and assembled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper preparation and fabrication of hose assemblies. Hose assemblies shall meet the frequency testing specified in Clause 7.
6 Requirements
6.1 General
Hoses and hose assemblies shall meet all the requirements for dimensions, physical properties and performance listed in ISO 18752. In addition, hoses shall meet the electrical resistance and flame resistance requirements listed in Z and 6.
6.2 Electrical resistance
When tested in accordance with ISO 8031. the electrical resistance, as measured between the electrodes in the manner described, shall not exceed 2 Mfl/m.
Tests shall he made on five lengths of hose and all the test results shall be within the specified limit.
NOTE The statutory requirement of the national authority of a particular country for electrical resistance can be different from that quoted. In such cases, the requirement of the national authority applies.
6.3 Flame resistance
When tested in accordance with ISO 8030. the average time of persistence of flame or glow, after withdrawal of the flame, shall not exceed 30 s. Six test pieces of hose shall be tested and the average value calculated from the individual results.
NOTE The statutory requirement of the national authority of a particular country for flame resistance can be different from that quoted. In such cases, the requirement of the national authority applies.
6.4 Abrasion resistance
Abrasion resistance test requirements to be added when new abrasion resistance test methods are available.
8 Marking
8.1 Hoses
Hoses complying with this document shall be marked with at least the following:
a) manufacturer's name or mark (and part number, if applicable), i.e. XXX;
b) the number of this document, i.e. ISO 6805;
c) hose type, i.e. AS;
d) the nominal size;
e) maximum working pressure, in megapascals and in bars, or either, with units indicated, e.g.
21 MPa (210 bar);
f) quarter and year (last two digits) of manufacture.
EXAMPLE XXX/ISO 6805/AS/25/21 MPa (210 bar)/4Q21.
For 8.1 b), hose manufacturer shall use the latest publication of this document, otherwise the year of publication shall be included in the marking.BS ISO 6805 pdf download.



