BS ISO 7078:2020 pdf download

BS ISO 7078:2020 pdf download.Buildings and civil engineering works — Procedures for setting out, measurement and surveying — Vocabulary.
3.6.1 method of measurement logical sequence of operations, described generally, used in the performance of measurements (3.1.1) [SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008, B.2.7, modified — NOTE has been omitted.]
3.6.2 altimetry determination of the height (3.1.24) of a point relative to a reference datum
3.6.3 heighting altimetry (3.6.2) for buildings
3.6.4 levelling operation of bringing a line or surface into the horizontal position, or of measuring differences in level (3.1.23)
3.6.5 trigonometric levelling determination of a difference of level (3.1.23) by using an angle in the vertical plane and either a slope distance or a horizontal distance
Note 1 to entry: For trigonometric levelling corrections (3.2.15) due to earth surface curvature and refraction are taken into account.
Note 2 to entry: For trigonometric levelling attention is paid to the position of the zero point of the vertical circle (3.5.22). The vertical circle for measuring vertical angles (3.6.10) is fixed at right angles to and horizontally on the horizontal axis.
3.6.6 height of instrument method method of levelling (3.6.4) based on the vertical distance between the horizontal axis (3.5.14) of a measuring instrument (3.1.7) and the measuring point (3.6.50) above which the instrument is centred
3.6.7 level of instrument method method of levelling (3.6.4) based on the vertical distance between the horizontal axis (3.5.14) of a measuring instrument (3.1.7) and a reference datum
3.6.8 angular measurement determination of the value of an angle between two directions from a given point Note 1 to entry: Typically, an angular measurement (3.1.1) is obtained by pointing a theodolite (3.5.4) towards two targets (3.6.67). Note 2 to entry: Angles are usually measured in horizontal or vertical planes where a complete rotation of the circle (3.5.22) equals 400 gons or 360 o .
3.6.9 horizontal angle angle between two convergent lines in a horizontal plane Note 1 to entry: The two convergent lines are the lines of intersection on the horizontal plane, through the observation point, of the vertical planes containing the measuring points (3.6.50).
3.6.10 vertical angle angle between an arbitrary line and the horizontal or the vertical
Note 1 to entry: Vertical angles are measured from the horizontal or from the vertical relative to the observation point.
3.6.11 zenith angle vertical angle (3.6.10) measured from the vertical above the observation point
3.6.12 measuring direction horizontal angle (3.6.9) between a survey line (3.6.17) and an arbitrary reference line
3.6.13 oriented direction measuring direction (3.6.12) whose reference line is parallel with the N-axis of a coordinate system (3.1.17) Note 1 to entry: In construction works, the coordinate axis of a secondary system (3.6.83) is often parallel with the main construction axis.
3.6.14 bearing of a line bearing oriented direction (3.6.13) in a coordinate system (3.1.17) whose N-axis is approximately directed towards north (or south)BS ISO 7078 pdf download.



