CSA HGV 4.3:2012 pdf download

CSA HGV 4.3:2012 pdf download.Test Methods For  Hydrogen Fueling Parameter Evaluation
1.4.5 Accommodation of the Hot Soak Case: Performance Tests with dispensers that do not utilize IRDA communications to assess the vehicle tank start temperature must accommodate the Hot Soak condition:the maximum fuel tank temperature must be less than 85°C (185"F) when HDTA tank start temperature is 15°C (27"F) higher than ambient temperature. To accommodate the hot soak condition maximum fuel event temperature must be less than 75°C (167"F) when HDTA tank start temperature is the same as the dispenser ambient temperature. See the table and informative text in Appendix B (Accommodations of Hot and Cold Soak Conditions) for hot soak accommodation acceptance criteria.
1.4.6 Accommodation of the Cold Soak Case: Performance Tests with dispensers that do not utilize IRDA communications to assess the vehicle tank start temperature must accommodate the Cold Soak condition.Each Performance Test of a Non-Communications fueling event must demonstrate the ability of the dispenser to compensate for a cold soak and keep the HDTA test tank final pressure below values shown in SAE TIR 12601 tables 8-01 to 8-8 and less than 1.25 x service pressure (SP) once the test tank has equilibrated to ambient temperature.
2.0.1 Test Equipment
The Hydrogen Dispenser Test Apparatus (HDTA) shall consist of 70 MPa (10,152 psi) hydrogen vehicle tanks, of nominal water volume of 40 to 250 liters (2,441 to 15,195 cu in), with a data collection system and pressure sensors and temperature sensors located in the fuel supply stream and inside the vehicle tanks. For testing the dispenser leakage detection, the HDTA shall have a tee in the fueling line between the HDTA inlet receptacle and the HDTA tank. The tee shall be located downstream after the last instrumentation sensor in the fueling line. The tee shall be connected to a valve that when open will allow hydrogen to vent through a 1 mm (0.039 inch) diameter orifice to the HDTA vent stack and vented to a safe location. During testing the ambient temperature shall be measured with an independent thermocouple sensor located at the dispenser. The ambient temperature sensor shall be protected from sunlight or other environmental conditions that may affect the reading. If the dispenser can display the ambient temperature during test conditions, the dispenser indication of ambient temperature shall be included with the report of test conditions. Performance Tests with dispensers that do not utilize IRDA communications to assess the vehicle tank start temperature must accommodate the Hot Soak condition: the maximum bulk gas temperature must be less than 85°C (185°F) when HDTA tank start temperature is 15°C (22.5°F) higher than ambient temperature. To accommodate the hot soak condition maximum fuel event temperature must be less than 75°C (167°F) when HDTA tank start temperature is the same as the dispenser ambient temperature.
The offset table in Appendix B provides background information on how the dispenser must accommodate hot soak conditions and shows the maximum allowable peak tank temperature as a function of HDTA tank offset from ambient temperature.CSA HGV 4.3 pdf download.



