CSA SPE 2254:2019 pdf download

CSA SPE 2254:2019 pdf download.Guide to wood chip fuel: Characteristics,supply, storage, and procurement
1.1 The scope of this Guide is wide ranging to ensure market confidence for a successfully established wood chip fuel supply chain. A safe and reliable high performing wood chip energy system requires knowledge of characteristics, supply, storage, and procurement of the fuel. Wood chips in the context of this Guide are restricted to wood chips according to CAN/CSA-ISO 17225 Part 4.
This Guide aims to bridge the gap between the suppliers and end users of wood chip fuel by
a) providing information on the supply and feedstock characteristics of wood chips;
b) providing technical guidance on bulk storage practices and safety considerations;
c) describing key fuel properties of wood chips in CAN/CSA-ISO 17725 Part 4; and
d) bringing common terminology and language to the marketplace.
1.2 The intended audiences for this guide include those involved in
a) producing and supplying wood chips, including aggregators, sawmills, loggers, urban tree services,woodland management services, value added wood processors such as furniture and cabinet makers, and flooring manufacturers;
b) project developers, including equipment manufacturers, engineering professionals, planning and procurement officers; and
c) facilities managers, maintenance staff, and those responsible for the operation of biomass systems.
1.3.1 This Guide applies to small-scale to medium-scale facilities used in commercial and institutional buildings and larger-scale facilities, such as light industrial sites and district heating (see Table 1). The scale used for grouping the applications is for ilustration only; in practice, some overlaps between the applications and the scales are expected.
4.1 General
To encourage the establishment of biofuels markets and reduce the trade barriers between countries,ISO has developed solid biofuels standards based on the existing national standards. The premise of a fuel standard development is to provide clear information on the fuel attributes and quality characteristics, which is necessary for the market to develop. Buyers and users do not think about quality of oil or gas when purchasing, hence, it should not be different for wood fuels. Fuel standards are also necessary tools to strengthen trust in biofuels and bring common language between buyers and sellers. Furthermore, the fuel standards will improve the operation of energy systems allowing the equipment manufacturers to link their equipment guarantees to the use of standardized fuels.
CAN/CSA-ISO 17225 Part 4 for graded wood chips is developed for residential, small commercial and public building applications. High and consistent quality wood chip fuels (see Figure 1) are needed for these applications because:
a) small scale equipment might not have advanced controls and flue gas cleaning, and the ability to handle oversized and undersized feed material;
b) equipment is not managed by professional heating technicians/engineers; and equipment can be located in populated areas.CSA SPE 2254 pdf download.



