CSA Z259-16-15:2020 pdf download

CSA Z259-16-15:2020 pdf download.Design of active fall-protection systems
4.3 Required information
Drawings, specifications, or instructions provided by the engineer shall include the following:
a) a statement defining the type of system (fall-arrest, travel-restraint, etc.) and indicating that the design is in accordance with the requirements of this Standard;
b) if the system meets the requirements of this Standard in all respects except for an exception, the exception shall be clearly stated. For example, if a system is designed for a maximum worker weight less than 140 kg (310 Ib), then this shall be stated on the drawings;
c) a drawing showing the layout of the system, including where it is located and the complete assembly of all components. In the case of relocatable systems, the layout shall depict the engineer's expected typical installation;
d) a specification of the number, location, and qualifications (including minimum and maximum weights and training) of workers using the system;
e) specifications for all components, including sizes and minimum required breaking strengths. The specifications shall reference applicable Standards and/or fully specify the makes and models of the components. Where substitute materials are allowed, the specifications shall adequately describe the acceptable substitutions;
f) a description of any proof testing required before the system may be put into use;
g) a specification of any environmental limitations on the use of the fall-protection system, such as chemical, temperature, radiation, or weather factors that may temporarily or permanently render the system unsafe to use;
h) information on the expected performance of the system, including the maximum anchorage load (MAL), maximum loadings of all components, sags and deflections, deployment of energy absorbers, and the maximum arrest force (MAF). Where system performance may be affected by variable environmental conditions such as temperature, performance in worst-case conditions shall be described;
Note: In horizontal lifelines (HLL), the greatest deflections occur at the highest temperature and the greatest forces occur at the lowest temperature.
i) a description of the greatest required clearances for all permitted worker locations, connecting means, and full-body harness combinations. Where a required clearance varies with environmental conditions, the worst-case value shall be specified;
j) instructions for assembly and installation. In the case of generic or relocatable systems, the instructions shall specify
i)the minimum required strength of the anchorages;
ii) the clearances required below the working platform or anchorages; and
iii) any safety precautions that shall be followed during the erection and dismantling of the system;
k) instructions for inspection, maintenance, and retirement of the system and all of its components,including how often inspection and maintenance are to be performed and a description of the qualifications required for persons performing these tasks;
l) instructions for safe access to, egress from, and use of the system; CSA Z259-16-15 pdf download.



