IEEE 2001:2002 pdf download

IEEE 2001:2002 pdf download.IEEE Recommended Practice for the Internet- Web Site Engineering, Web Site Management, and Web Site Life Cycle.
This document defines recommended practices for WTorld Vide Web page engineering for Intranel amid Extranet environments, based on World Wide Web Consortium W3C and related industry giiklelines.
This recommended practice (toes not address stylistic considerations or human-tactors considerations in Web page design beyond limitations that reflect good engineering practice. Annex B contains topics which are hot sufficiciitly mature om Where there are iiot specific iccommendatiomis br iiiulusioii iii the cuileni issue of this recoimitiicmided practice.
1.2 Purpose
This recommended practice is intended to provide guidance to Web page developers in Intranet (organizational internal . and Pxtranet amongst a limited domaiii of organizational participants) Web environments on recommended practices for Web page engineering. The ohpective is to improve the productivity of Intra— net/Extranel Web operatiolis in terms of locating rele’ant nilonnatloim . and ellicient development aiid main— tenance practices.
The 2002 revision of this recotimiended practice addresses items idemitilied in Annex A of IEEE SW 2001 - 1999 [B14]which can be well-defined and to respond to emerging technology and changes in practice that hae resulted in new material or changes to approed recommendations. Confommunee to this recommended practice in developing and publishing a Web site pros ides a basis for a well engineered Web site.
1.3 Conformance
This recommended practice dehnes two form of contormance: “IH4 Ski 2(K) 1 -2(K)2—conforming Web page’s and IEEE Std 2001-2002 conforming Web page generation tool. Throughout this recommended practice, the use of the verb shall indicates a requirement of’ the standard: the USC of the verb slu)uld indicates a recommendation: and the use of the verb may indicates an option or variation that Is permitte(I by the ree— ommended practice. Although users of this recommended practice are strongly encouraged to consider the recommendations made within, the implementation of recoimuendations is not a requirement of Web page con tormance.
1.3.1 IEEE Std 2001-2002-conforming Web page
A contorming Web page implements all the requirements of this recommended practice. A Web page that con forms to this recommanded practice may indicate this by the use o the following tag:
NOTE—The HTML Refereiice Designator I HREF value will change with each version of this recoinniended practice. Tools should use the HRF value to determine the version of the standard being used.
The image tile may be downloaded arid referenced using relative Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). hut the target hTML tile must be referenced h an absolute URI.
Consistent with 4.1.10 of this recoinmentled practice, a meta statement indicating cont’onnance to this rec— omnmnended practice may be included.IEEE 2001 pdf download.



