IEEE 802.3cu:2021 pdf download

IEEE 802.3cu:2021 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Ethernet-Amendment 11:Physical Layers and Management Parameters for 100 Gb/s and 400 Gb/s Operation over Single-Mode Fiber at 100 Gb/s per Wavelength.
1.4 Definitions
Insert the following new definition after 1.4.27 “IOOGBASE-ER4”:
1.4.27a IOOGBASE-FRI: IEEE 802.3 Physical Layer specification fbr 100 Gb/s serial transmission using IOOGBASE-R encoding and 4-level pulse amplitude modulation over one wavelength on single-mode fiber, with reach up to at least 2 km. (See IEEE Std 802.3, Clause 140.)
Insert the following new definitio,s after 1.4.29 “IOOGB4SE-KR4”:
1.4.29a IOOGBASE-LRI: IEEE 802.3 Physical Layer specification for 100 Gb/s serial transmission using IOOGBASE-R encoding and 4-level pulse amplitude modulation over one wavelength on single-mode fiber, with reach up to at least 10 kin. (See IEEE Std 802.3, Clause 140.)
Insert the following new definition after 1.4. 106a “400GB4SE-ER8” as inserted by IEEE Sid 802.3cn-2019:
1.4.106b 400GBASE-FR4: IEEE 802.3 Physical Layer specification for 400 Gb/s using 400GBASE-R encoding and 4-level pulse amplitude modulation over four WDM lanes on single-mode fiber, with reach up to at least 2 km. (See IEEE Std 802.3, Clause 151.)
Insert the following new definition after 1.4.107 “400GBASE-FR8”:
1.4.107a 400GBASE-IR4-6: IEEE 802.3 Physical Layer specification for 400 Gb/s using 400GBASE-R encoding and 4-level pulse amplitude modulation over four WDM lanes on single-mode fiber, with reach up to at least 6 km. (See IEEE Std 802.3, Clause 151.)
91.6 RS-FEC MDIO function mapping
91 .6.2a four_Iane_pmd
C’haiige 91.6.2a (as inserted kv IEEE Sid 8O2.3cd-2OI8, as follows:
When this variable is set to one, the alignment marker mapping function substitutes the fixed bytes of the alignment markers corresponding to PCS lanes 17, 18, and 19 with the fixed bytes for the alignment marker corresponding to PUS lane 16 (see 915.2.6). When this variable is set to zero, the alignment markers corresponding to PUS lanes 17, 18, and 19 are passed through unmodified. The default value of the variable is one which is the value required by the IOOGBASE-CR4, IOOGBASE-KR4, IOOGBASE-KP4. and IOOGBASE-SR4 PMDs. This variable is set to zero for the IOOGBASE-CR2, IOOGBASE-KR2, IOOGBASE-SR2, and IOOGBASE-DR. IOOGBASE-FRI, and !OOGBASE-LRI PMDs. This variable is mapped to the bit defined in (1.200.3).IEEE 802.3cu pdf download.


