IEEE Std 1636.2:2018 pdf download

IEEE Std 1636.2:2018 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Maintenance Action Information via the Extensible Markup Language (XML).
The scope of IEEE Std 1636.2 is the definition of an exchange format, utilizing XML, for exchanging maintenance action information (MAI) associated with the removal, repair, and replacement of’ system components to maintain/support an operational system.
1.3 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to promote and facilitate interoperability between components of a test system and applications in a maintenance environment where MAI needs to be shared. The standard will facilitate the capture and exchange of unit under test (UUT) specific maintenance information, facilitating online and ofThne analysis of the maintenance process. The maintenance action schema defines a class of information to be used within the SIMICA flimily of standards.
1.4 Application
1.4.1 Of this document
This document provides formal specifications of the information required for the development of shared maintenance action data. Anticipated users of this standard include the following:
a) System developers
b) System maintainers
c) Test program set (TPS) developers
d) TPS maintainers
e) Automatic test equipment (ATE) system developers ATE systems maintainers
g) Test instrument developers
h) Reliability, maintainability, and diagnostic analytical applications
1.4.2 Of this document’s annexes
This document includes two annexes. Of these two, one is normative (Annex A).
Annex A contains descriptive information about each of the XML schema and OWL ontology elements and types.
Annex B contains the bibliography. This is informative, and thus is provided strictly as inftnnat ion, for both users and maintainers of this document.
1.5 Precedence
In the event of conflict between this document and a normatively referenced standard (see Clause 2), the normatively referenced standard, as it applies to the information being produced, shall take precedence.
In the event of conflict between this document and the SIMICA family base document (IEEE Std 1636-2018), the SIMICA family base document shall take precedence.
In the event of conflict between this document and another SIMICA family component standard, this document shall take precedence.
1.6 Conventions used in this document
1.6.1 General
All groups, complex types, simple types, and attribute groups arc listed in Annex A; Descriptive information for each is provided.
Where there arc references to a groups. complex types, simple types, and attribute groups within the associated XML schema or OWL ontology (MaintcnanceActionlnformation.xsd and MAI.owl), the convention of [name] at [element] is used to indicate where the user can locate the data within either the MaintenanceActionlnforrnation.xsd or MAI.owl files.
Example: 1636.2-2018 download at: indicates that the user is to open the MaintcnanccActionlnformation.xsd at the location provided and find for the schema definition.
The narnespace prefix “mai:” identifies that the type or attribute group associated with this document. All specifications for OWL and XML within this document are given in the Courier type font and italicized.IEEE Std 1636.2 pdf download.



