IEEE Std 1680.1a:2020 pdf download

IEEE Std 1680.1a:2020 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Environmental and Social Responsibility Assessment of Computers and Displays -Amendment 1: Editorial and Technical Corrections and Clarifications.
IEEE Std 1680.1-2018 defines environmental and social responsibility performance criteria for computers (i.e., desktop computers. notebook computers, integrated desktop computers, portable all-in-one computers, slates/tablets, small-scale servers, thin clients, and workstations) and displays (i.e., monitors and signage displays). The environmental and social responsibility performance criteria relate to substance management. materials selection, design for end of life, product longevity/life-cycle extension, energy conservation, end-of-life management, packaging, life cycle assessment and carbon footprint, corporate environmental performance, and Corporate social responsibility.
1.2 Purpose
IEEE Std 1680.1 was published in March 2018 with a number of editorial and technical errors. This amendment addresses, and is limited to, editorial and technical corrections and clarifications in the standard. This amendment does not include deletion of any criteria, addition of any criteria, or any substantive revisions to criteria.
1.3 Word usage
The word shall indicates mandatory requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to the standard and from which no deviation is permitted (shall equals is required to).2’3
The word should indicates that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding othcrs or that a certain course of action is prcfcrrcd but not necessarily required (should equals is reconunended that).
The word may is used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the standard (may equals is permiued to).
The word can is used for statements of possibility and capability, whether material, physical, or causal (can equals is able to).
2. Normative references
Delete the folio wing reference front Clause 2:
Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC). Validated Audit Process
Insert the folio wing reference into Clause 2 in alphanumeric order:
Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), Validated Audit Process
Change Kite following reference in Clause 2 as shown:
U.S. DOE Superior Energy Performance 50001 (SEP 50001)
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
Change the location of the defiu,ition of “con.formance assurance process” to be correctly located alphabetically between “conflict minerals” and “connector” in 3.1.
4. Environmental and social responsibility performance criteria
4.1 Substance management
4.1.5 Bromine and chlorine Required—Reduction of bromine and chlorine content in plastic parts >25 g
Replace the text of with the following:
Product criterion: Each plastic part in the product exceeding 25 g shall not contain greater than 1000 ppm
chlorine or greater than 1000 ppm bromine at the homogeneous level, with the following exceptions:
a) For parts that exceed the specified concentrations of bromine and chlorine, the manufacturer shall perform a hazard assessment in accordance with criterion 4.1 .8.1 on the substance(s) responsible for exceeding the bromine and chlorine levels and the viable alternative substance(s) being considered. The manufacturer shall demonstrate either.IEEE Std 1680.1a pdf download.



