AATCC 122:2000 pdf download

AATCC 122:2000 pdf download.Carpet Soiling: Service Soiling Method
5.2 It shall be sufficiently isolated from greasy, oily or other nontypical soiling which might be present in factory areas and the like.
5.3 The traffic pattern in the soiling area shall be such that all specimens are subjected to all of the traffic as in the case of a narrow aisle or passageway with ac- cess only at either end or, alternately, if the traffic cannot be so confined or di- rected, it shall be randomized to such a degree as to produce the effect of uniform soiling.
5.4 In the case of the long narrow ar- rangement with traffic only in two oppo- site directions, a 4 m (12 ft) length of buffer carpet shall be installed at both ends of the test area. For other arrange- ments, or where there is a random traffic pattern, the buffer carpet shall be in- stalled around the perimeter of the test specimens and may extend for a pro- portionately shorter distance but in no case for less than 6 ft in any direction. The buffer carpet may be of any available fiber or construction but should be light in color in order to avoid errors due to the transfer of fiber or dyestuff to the test specimens.
7.1 The requirements are related to the dimensions and traffic pattern of the par- ticular soiling area. Therefore, it is not possible to propose a procedure which will be universally applicable. Specimen rotation is necessary to achieve uniform soiling.
7.2 However, to illustrate the princi- ples involved and to meet the conditions of the most common situation, we pro- pose to use the case of the long, narrow corridor. In this illustrative case there are 24 specimens in the test and in such an area it is not usually feasible to use a greater width than 68.5 cm (27 in.). This would correspond to a 2 × 12 arrange- ment as shown in Table I. The numbers refer in this case to the various carpets (including control samples) and the let- ters refer to replicates so that specimen 1a is the first replicate of Carpet 1.AATCC 122 pdf download.



