AATCC 124:2005 pdf download.Appearance of Fabrics after Repeated Home Laundering
2.1 Flat fahric specimens are subjected to standard honc iaundering practices. A choice is provnded of hand or machine washing: alcetnative machine wasb Cyn clos and lemperaturcs. and altemative dryng prooedures. Evaluation is per- forned. Lusing a standard lightung and vnewing arca by trating the appearance of specumens in comp)ar1son with appropri- ate refercncc standards.
NOTE: These safely precautions sre for informahon puqposes only. The pre- cautions are ancilary to the testing proce- dures and are not intended to be ail inchu- sive. It is the user's pesponsibulity to l1se safe and proper techniques in band]ling materials in this test method. Manufac- turers MUST be consnited for specific delails such as material safety dat8 sheets and other tmanufacturer's recommenda tions. Al OSHA standards and rules mrust also be consu]ted and folowed.
4.1 Good Jaboratory practices should be folowed, Wear safety glasses in al aboratory ateas
4.2 The 1993 AATCC Standard Refer- ence Detergent may cause irritation Care shoold be taken to prevent exposure 0 skin and eyes.
4.3 All chemicals should be handled with care. .
4.4 Manufacturer's safety rcommen- dations should be folowed when operat- ing laboratory testg equtpment.
6.7 Lighting and evaluation area in an otherwise darkened room using the over- ]head lighting arraugensent shown in Fig.' 1 (see 12.4). It hns been the experience of many observers that light reflected from the side wa]ls near the Viewing board can interfere with the rating results. It is rec- ommended that the side walls be painted mate black (85? gloss Jess than 5 unjts) or fhat blackout curtains be mounted on both sides of the vlewing board to elimi- nate the reflective interference, 6.8 Standard AATCC Three-Dimen- sional Smoothness Appearance Rephcas, set of six {sce Fig. 2 and 12.2).AATCC 124 pdf download.