AATCC 174:1998 pdf download

AATCC 174:1998 pdf download.Antimicrobial Activity Assessment of Carpets
NOTE: These safety precautions are for information purposcs only. The pre- cautions are ancillary to the tecsting proce- dures and are not intended to be all inclu- sive. I is the user 's responsibility to use safe and proper tcchniqucs in handling materials in this test method. Manufac- turers MUST be consulted for specific details such as material satfety data sheets and other manufacturer 's recommenda- tions. All OSHIA standards and rules must also be consulted and followed.
4.1 This test should be performed only by traincd personnel. The U.S. Depari- ment of Health and Human Services pub- lication Biosufer' in Microbiological cinc/ Biomedlicul Luborutories should be con- sulted (see 27.1).
4.2 CAUTION: Some of the microor- ganisms used in these tests are allergenic and pathogenic; i.c.. capable of infecting humans and producing discase. There- forc. every necessary and reasonable pre- caution must be taken to climinate this risk to the laboratory personnel and to personnel in the associated environment. Wear protective clothing. respiratory pro- tection. and impervious gloves when working with the organisms. NOTE: C hoose respiratory protection that pre- vents penctration by the spores.
6.1 Specimens of the test material, including corresponding untreated con- trols of the same material (if available but not required). are placed in intimate con- tact with nutrient agar which has bcen previously streaked with a bacterial cul- ture. Afier incubation. a clear arca of interrupted growth undermeath and along the sides of the test material indicates antibacterial activity of the specimen. Standard strains of bacteria are uiscd with Sluphwlococcus cureus (Gram positive) and Klehsiellu penrmorivee (Gram nega- tive), the representative organisms.
10.1 Test specimcns (non-stcrile) are cut by hand or with a dic. They may be any convenient size although oblong spec- imens cut 25 x 50 mm are recommended. 10.2 If possible. test a specimen of the same material treated in exactly the same way with whatever other finishing agents were used. but w ithout the antibacterial agent. lowever. this is not essential for the validity of the test. Many standard fin- ishing chemicals will give strong anibac- terial activity cven afier many cleanings.AATCC 174 pdf download.



