BS 2000-40:1992 pdf download

BS 2000-40:1992 pdf download.Petroleum and its products.
8.1. Bring the bomb and the gasoline to be tested to a temperature of 15 to 25°C. Place the glass sample container in the bomb and add 50士1 mL of sample. Cover the sample container, close the bomb, and using the quick release air-coupling introduce oxygen until a gauge pressure of 6.89 to 7.03 bar is attained. Allow the gas in the bomb to escape slowly in order to flush out the air originally present. (CAUTION: Release the pressure through the needle valve at a rate not to exceed 3.5 bar per minute.) Introduce oxygen again until a gauge pressure of 6.89 to 7.03 bar is attained and observe for leaks, ignoring an initial rapid drop in pressure (generally not over 0.4 bar) which may be observed because of the solution of oxygen in the sample. If the rate of pressure drop does not exceed 0.07 bar in 1 0 min,assume the absence of leaks and proceed with the test without repressuring.
8.2. Place the charged bomb in the vigorously boiling water bath, being careful to avoid shaking, and record the time of immersion as the starting time. Maintain the temperature of the water bath between 98 and 102°C. Observe the temperature to the nearest 0.1°C at intervals during the test, and record the average temperature to the nearest 0.1°C as the temperature of the test. Make a continuous record of the pressures in the bomb, or if an indicating pressure gauge is used, taking pressure readings at 15 min intervals or less. If, during the initial 30 min of the test, a leak develops (as indicated by a steady drop in pressure considerably in excess of 0.14 bar in 15 min) discard the test.
A1.1.2. The closure shall be capable of making a seal that will not leak when the bomb is filled with oxygen to 7bar at 15 to 25°C and plunged into a bath at 100°C. It is preferable that the closure ring be constructed from an alloy different from that of the body if the mating threads of the two parts are to move with respect to each other when the tightening load is applied.
A1.3. Gasket - Any suitable gasket material may be used provided it will pass the following test: Place a gasket of the type under test in the bomb in the absence of gasoline and use a similar gasket to make the seal with the lid. Fill the bomb with oxygen at a pressure of 7.0 bar and immerse in a bath at about 100°C. If the pressure does not drop more than 0.14 bar from the maximum in a 24 h period with the bath temperature constant at士1.0°C,the gasket may be considered satisfactory.BS 2000-40 pdf download.



