CSA B127.1-99:2014 pdf download

CSA B127.1-99:2014 pdf download.Asbestos Cement Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Pipe Fittings
6.2.3 Straightness
Straightness shall be measured by the following method:
(a) Determine the outside diameter of each pipe length at both ends and in the middle.
(b) Calculate the differences in outer diameter between each end and the middle.
(C) Either with a rigid straightedge that exceeds the pipe length and is placed in contact with one end of the pipe, or, on a plane surface upon which the pipe is rolled, measure the maximum ordinate between the exterior surface of the pipe and the reference plane.
(d) Correct this measurement for the differences in outer diameter determined between the middle and each end of the pipe to obtain a deviation from straightness.
(e) Perform the straightness determination over the entire perimeter of the pipe and note the maximum deviation from straightness.
A4.2.2 When stacking pipe, the first layer shall be placed on two timber runners situated at points about one-fifth the pipe length in from the end of the pipe and placed on level ground so that the pipe, when supported, will be resting on the supports and not the ground. The width of the runner is a function of the mass of the pipe, a 2 x 4 on edge being suitable in most cases. Wedges shall be firmly nailed in position at the ends of each runner. Subsequent layers shall be placed either by nesting in pyramid fashion or by placing on additional runners. The latter method is recommended for small diameter pipe,or where space is limited. Wedges shall be nailed to the ends of each runner. Pipe shall be stacked no more than 2.5 m (8 ft) high, or to suit the handling facilities available on site.
A4.3.1 Care shall be taken in handling pipe couplings and fttings to avoid severe impact or other damage. In particular, they shall not be dropped or, when slung, allowed to collide with solid objects. It is permissible to roll pipe, under control, on a surface free from protuberances. Any hooks used shall be of the flattened type suitably padded to prevent damage to the pipe.
A4.3.2 The pipeline installer shall provide suitable equipment for unloading pipe and fttings at the point of delivery and also for stacking and stringing out. The preferred method of unloading is in packaged units, using mechanical equipment. However, the pipe can be unloaded individually.CSA B127.1-99 pdf download.



