IEEE 1847:2019 pdf download

IEEE 1847:2019 pdf download.IEEE Recommended Practice for Common F ramework of Location Services for Healthcare.
ocatahle-posi(ion: Position of a locatable. See also: locatable.
locatable-position accu racy: Accuracy of locatable-position estimation. See also: locatable: position.
locatable positioning initiation: Origination of locatable-position estimation, internal or external. See aLso:
locatable positioning power: Manner in which energy is utilized for a given locatable-position estimation, internal or external. See also: locatable: subject.
locatable-subject association: Relationship method of a locatable with a subject that is either physically attached to a subject, embedded in a subject, a characteristic of a subject, or an inferred association to another subject. See also: locatable: subject.
location: Place described meaningfully for the intended use case in a symbolic, coordinate, or relative convention.
location coverage: Ability to estimate subject-location while a locatable is physically located in a specific location. See also: location: subject-location.
location-enabled application: Software that utilizes location service data for one or more use cases. See also:
location service.
location-enabled application type: A location-enabled application can categorize as either a) native application that has a location interpretation or b) interfaced to a location service. See location interpretation: location service.
location interpretation: Process that interprets locatable-position from positioning engine(s) to the subject- location. See ci/so: locatable—position: positioning engine: location service.
location naming coordinate convention: Location described as displacement from defined origin (e.g., X/Y/Z). See also: location.
location naming relative convention: Displacement from another location or subject (e.g., 2 m [5 ft] from patient bed). See also: location
location naming symbolic convention: Location described as defined region of space (e.g., room A203). See also: location.
NOTE—Example hierarchy is as follows:
enterprise: Groupings of campuses relevant to the hcalthcare system.
campus: Grouping of closely related area/grounds and buildings.
building/grounds: Structurc with roof and walls creating indoor spaccs.
floor: All rooms or areas on the same lcvcl of a building.
subiloor/wing/zone: Contiguous grouping of arearooms on a floor, typically for a department.
room: Enclosed area of permanent walls, floor, ceiling, and one or more openings, that can be composed of various
materials and of various dimensions.
sub-room: Non-enclosed area or temporarily enclosed area of a room (e.g., bay).
specific: Reserved for definitive location within sub-room (e.g., bed, fixed cabinet, shelt chokepoint).
location quality of service: Ability of positioning infrastructure to maintain location coverage over time. See also: positioning infrastructure location coverage.
location service: Software that provides subject-location and other associated information to location-enabled applications. See aLso: subj ect-location location-enabled applications.
location symbolic hierarchy: Location naming symbolic convention organization containing multiple levels. See also: location naming symbolic convention.
location system of record: Authoritative source for location data including naming. maps, and attributes. See also: location.
non-clinical: Healthcare operational, support, or administrative processes not directly related to patient care. Contrast: clinical.
position: Place estimated in context of a specific positioning infrastructure. See also: positioning infrastructure.
positioning behavior: Defines a specific positioning communication as locatable-initiated or positioninginfrastructure-initiated. See also: locatable; )ositiofliflg infrastructure.IEEE 1847 pdf download.



