AATCC 100:1999 pdf download

AATCC 100:1999 pdf download.Antibacterial Finishes on Textile Materials: Assessment of
1. Purpose and Scope
1.1 This tcst method provides a quantitativc procedure for the evaluation of the dcgree of antibacterial activity. Assessment of untibacierial finishes on textilc materials is determined by the degree of antibacterial activity intended in the use of such materials, If only bactcnostaic activity (inhibition of multiplication) is intended, a quaJitatve procedure which clearly demonstrates antibacterial activity as contrasted with Jack of such activity by an untreated specimen may be acceptable. [Iowcvcr, if bactencidal activity is intended or implied, quantitative evalua(ion is necessary. Quantitative evaluation also provides a clearer picture for possible uses of such treated textile materials.
2. Principle
2,1 Swatches of test and control textile materials are tested qualitatively for antibacterial activity by AATCC Method 147. Those showing activity are cvaluated quantitatively. Test and control swatches arc inoculated wih the test organisms. After incubation, the bactena are cluted from the swatchcs by shaking in known amounts of neutralizing solution. The number of bacteria present in thIs liquid is determined, and the percentage reduction by the tretcd specimen is calculated.
13.5 Consistent and accurate es1ini ICquircs maintenance of a pure, uncontaminated. nonmutant iet culture. Avoid contamination by use of good sterile technique in plating and transfemng. Avoid mutation by strict adherence to monthly stock transfers. Check cuiture purity by making streak plates periodically and observing for single species-characteristic type of colonies.
13.6 The dilution of the test organism may be prepared in sicrile 085% saline solution or suitable buffer if a steady-state cultuic is desired during thc contact period with a fabnc or in the slurry inoculurn earner when hydropho. bic fabrics arc being tested.
13.7 A surfactant may be added t0 the dilution medium t0 enhance w'eting of hydropho-bic fabrics. The surfactant must be shown not to cause a reduction in bacterial numbers. by prior testing at the intended use conccntration. Report he use and concentration of surfactan used.AATCC 100 pdf download.



