AATCC 106:2002 pdf download

AATCC 106:2002 pdf download.Colorfastness to Water: Sea
2.1 The specimen, backed by multifi- ber test fabric, is immersed in artificial sea water under specified conditions of temperature and time, and then placed between glass or plastic plates under specified conditions of pressure, temper- ature and time. The change in color of the specimen and the staining of the attached multifiber test fabric are observed.
3. Terminology
3.1 colorfastness, n.—the resistance of a material to change in any of its color characteristics, to transfer of its color- ant(s) to adjacent materials or both, as a result of the exposure of the material to any environment that might be encoun- tered during the processing, testing, stor- age or use of the material.
4. Safety Precautions NOTE: These safety precautions are for information purposes only. The pre- cautions are ancillary to the testing proce- dures and are not intended to be all inclu- sive. It is the user’s responsibility to use safe and proper techniques in handling materials in this test method. Manufac- turers MUST be consulted for specific details such as material safety data sheets and other manufacturer’s recommenda- tions. All OSHA standards and rules must also be consulted and followed.
8.1 Immerse the test specimen in the test solution at room temperature with oc- casional agitation to ensure thorough wetting out (approximately 15 min gener- ally required for average fabrics) (see 12.4).
8.2 Remove the test specimen from the test solution and only pass between squeeze rolls (wringer) to remove excess liquor when the wet weight of the test specimen is more than 3 times its dry weight. Whenever possible, the wet weight should be 2.5-3.0 times the dry weight.
8.3 Place the test specimen between glass or plastic plates and insert in the specimen unit of the perspiration tester. Adjust the perspiration tester to produce a pressure of 4.5 kg (10.0 lb) on the test specimen (see 12.2).AATCC 106 pdf download.



