AATCC 130:2000 pdf download

AATCC 130:2000 pdf download.Soil Release: Oily Stain Release Method
11.1 Summary. An interlaboratory test was carried out in the summer of 1987 to establish the precision of this test method. One operator at each of 5 labora- tories tested 2 specimens of each of 5 fab- rics each day for 3 days using 1 washer and 1 dryer. Tide (see 12.7) detergent containing 9.8% phosphorus was used because it was the most widely used de- tergent available. The reference vegetable oil used was Mazola brand corn oil (see 12.3) because it was widely available and consistent in color and quality. Two raters independently evaluated the specimens using the Stain Release Replica and the 3M Stain Release Rating Scale. The unit of measure was the average of the 2 grades for the 2 specimens tested each day. The fabrics were limited to polyester and polyester/cotton materials, most hav- ing soil release finishes.
12.1 The 1995 revision of this method re- flects the change in formulation of the refer- ence detergent and provides an additional choice of ballast in order to more nearly evalu- ate the performance of soil release finishes un- der conditions of actual use. Corn oil has been retained as the reference oily stain. Prelimi- nary comparative studies with the new refer- ence detergent and new ballast Type 3 were conducted by the AATCC Laboratory. No sta- tistical difference at the 95% probability level was observed for the new ballast Type 3. However, these early results indicate a statisti- cal difference between the new 1993 AATCC Standard Reference Detergent and the previ- ous AATCC Standard Reference Detergent 124, the new detergent tending to be less effi- cient toward oily stain release removal. An in- terlaboratory study will be conducted in 1995- 1996 to confirm this difference and determine the precision of this test method with the new reference detergent.
12.2 AATCC White Textile Blotting Paper is available from AATCC, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park NC 27709; tel: 919/ 549-8141; fax: 919/549-8933; e-mail: orders@ aatcc.org.
12.3 Mazola, a trademark of Best Foods, CPC International Inc., General Offices, En- glewood Cliffs NJ 07632, is a pure corn oil and is widely available. Each bottle has an ex- piration date printed on the label. It should not be used after that date.
12.4 Rhinelander “Blu-White” window en- velop glassine — 61 × 91 cm — 25#/500. Packages of glassine paper containing a roll 46 m long by 30 cm wide (150 × 1 ft) are available from AATCC, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park NC 27709; tel: 919/ 549-8141; fax: 919/549-8933; e-mail: orders@ aatcc.org.
12.5 The amber bottle is specified to protect the corn oil from degradation.
12.6 Contact AATCC for model number(s) and source(s) of approved washer(s) and dryer(s). Any other washer or dryer which is known to give comparable results can be used.AATCC 130 pdf download.



