AATCC 134:2006 pdf download

AATCC 134:2006 pdf download.Electrostatic Propensity of Carpets
1. Purpose and Scope
1.1 This test method assesses the static-generating propensity of carpets developed when a person walks across them. This method uses controlled laboratory simulation of the conditions, that may be encountered in use. The simulation is focused on the use of those conditions, which arc known from experience to be strong contributors to excessive accumulation of static charges.
1.2 This test method does not include standards of performance. The specification requirements pertinent to any given application can vary considerably. depending on the specific demands of the application. Specifiers should give attention to the variability of the method as described below in Section 11.
2. Principle
2.1 Build-up of a static charge on a person walking across a carpet under conditions of low atmospheric humidity has been recognized as a classic example of the triboelectric effect, whereby a separation of electrical charges is produced when two dissimilar surfaces in contact are separated. The magnitude of the charge separation and the resultant voltage on the person vary under the influence of many factors. The most important factors for the purpose of this test are:
(a) the chemical and physical characteristics of the two materials brought into contact, rubbed and separated: i.e., the shoe soles and carpet;
(h) the surface contamination on one or both;
(C) the nature ot the rubbing and/or separation, i.e., the method of walk, including the height of the shoe above the carpet; and
(d) the ambient conditions (especially the relative humidity).
2.2 A carpet brought to moisture equilibrium at controlled atmospheric condilions is walked on by a test operator in a specified manner with specified shoe soles and heels. The static charge. which builds up on the operator, is monitored continuously by a voltage indicator with a recorder.
3. Terminology
3.1 electrostatic propensity, n.-the ability to produce and accumulate an electrostatic charge.
NOTE: For the purposes of this test, it is the resultant voltage on a person walk-ing across the surface of a textile floor covering
under specified conditions, which has been caused by the accumula-tion of an electrostatic charge on the body.AATCC 134 pdf download.



