AATCC 15:2009 pdf download

AATCC 15:2009 pdf download.Colorfastness to Perspiration
1. Purpose and Scope
1.1 This test method is used to deter-mine the fastness of colored textiles to the effects of acid perspiration. It is appli-cable to dyed, printed or otherwise col-ored textile fibers, yarns and fabrics of all kinds and to the testing of dyestuffs as applied to textiles.
1.2 Work by Committee RA52 showed this test will correlate with limited field studies. Prior to this there were acid and alkaline tests; however, as a result of these studies the alkaline test was elimi-nated (see 13.1).
2. Principle
2.1 A specimen of colored textile in contact with other fiber materials (for color transfer) is wet out in simulated acid perspiration solution, subjected to a fixed mechanical pressure and allowed to dry slowly at a slightly elevated tempera-ture. After conditioning, the specimen is evaluated for color change and the other fiber materials are evaluated for color transfer.
3. Terminology
3.1 colorfastness, n.-the resistance of a material to change in any of its color characteristics, to transfer of its colo-rant(s) to adjacent materials or both, as a result of the exposure of the material to any environment that might be encoun-tered during the processing, testing, stor-age or use of the material.
3.2 perspiration, n.- a saline fluid se-creted by the sweat glands.
7. Verification
7.1 Verification checks on the operation of the test and apparatus should be made routinely and the results kept in a log. The following observations and corrective actions are extremely important to avoid incorrect test results.
7.2 Use an in-house perspiration fabric with a mid-range visual grade on the most heavily stained stripe of the multitiber cloth as a calibration specimen and conduct a perspiration test using three specimens. Verification checks should be performed periodically as well as each time a new lot of multifiber or undyed adjacent fabric is used.
7.2.1 Non-uniform color transfer may be due to improper wet-out procedures or may be a result of uneven pressure on the specimens due to warped plates in the tester. Check the wet-out procedures to be sure that the balance is accurate and that the procedure is being carefully followed. Check all plates to be sure they are in good condition and not warped.AATCC 15 pdf download.



